Pillars of Liberty Alliance open to high-sec oriented corps in Amarr region

Pillars of Liberty is looking for high-sec oriented corporations in and near the Amarr region to join forces.

Pillars of Liberty is an alliance operating primarily within Amarr HighSec, with a main focus on industry (mining & manufacturing), trade, PvE, exploration and Insurgencies (FW).

We strife to making the more high-sec oriented lifestyle as free, safe and open as possible. Our alliance is not for the bloodthirsty pirates of New Eden, those who only seek to kill & destroy. Pillars of Liberty is a home for those seeking to build and flourish. Those who prefer living a (relatively easygoing and earnest) life in high-sec to the turbulence of the null-sec wars.

We are looking for corporations to join us, expanding our joint fleets & industrial operations, to grow and thereby enhance opportunities for all our members.

What we expect from you, and you can expect from Pillars of Liberty (and its corporations):

  • We band together and stick up for each other, protecting each other’s interests, since they are the alliance’s interests.
  • We share facilities and resources where practical. Although we are not war-deccable, and as such do not own stations within the alliance, certain stations owned outside the alliance are open to all alliance members.
  • We have weekly scheduled (and non-scheduled ad-hoc) events and fleets that all alliance members can join in on (see detailed list below).
  • As we grow, we open up new opportunities for our members that require larger numbers and capital.
  • We have a common vision/ambition, to grow in almost every direction New Eden offers, that we all work towards, giving us purpose and direction.

Alliance corporations organize events and fleets that are open to all members, such as:

  • High-sec asteroid mining with boosts at 0% tax.
  • High-sec moon mining with boosts at 0% tax.
  • High-sec security mission fleets.
  • High-sec Homefront Operation fleets.
  • High-sec FOB Basher fleets (returning those high-systems to safety for our miners et al).
  • High-sec Incursion fleets.
  • High-sec and low-sec Factional Warfare & Insurgency fleets.

If you’re interested in joining Pillars of Liberty, or want to know more, contact us through, in-game channel “Pillar - Public / Diplo” or through our Discord server: https://discord.gg/b9EqdXMwWd


Weekly Liberty #1

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Thu 2024/05/02 18:00 EVE time.
  • Sat 2024/05/04 22:30 EVE time.
  • Sun 2024/05/05 14:00 EVE time.

Homefront Ops

Last Wednesday 2024/04/24 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Trying out the new shield doctrine formation for the Suspicious signal op. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.

Next Wednesday 2024/05/01 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up (again) with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

Tower Bashing

Next Saturday 2024/05/04 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out in wormhole space to bash some towers.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 5 (+5) kills with a total worth of about 444M ISK, or 25 (+25) points. And we are considered 7% (+7%) dangerous.

Guardian Angel Fortitude

The Counter Insurgency Op, under the name of Guardian Angel Fortitude, continues, as we strive to keep our important high-sec systems safe from pirates and lawlessness. Depending on the situation, we might fleet up again this Tuesday around 18:00 EVE time to partake in the action. For more information, and to stay up-to-date, join the mailing list: Guardian Angel Operations.

This was our weekly Liberty

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Weekly Liberty #2

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Tue 2024/05/07 23:30 EVE time.
  • Fri 2024/05/10 17:00 EVE time.

Homefront Ops

Last Wednesday 2024/05/01 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully launching the new Raid fleet doctrine. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.

Next Wednesday 2024/05/08 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up (again) with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

Tower Bashing

Next Saturday 2024/05/11 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out in wormhole space to bash some towers.

FOB Basher Fleet

Our FOB Basher fleet succesfully took out the Blood Raider Strongholds terrorizing our systems. Starting with Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, and followed up by these two last Saturday: Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold & Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold. The inhabitants of our little corner of New Eden are very grateful to us for making the region a little safer yet again.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 2 (-3) kills with a total worth of about 10M ISK, or 3 (-22) points. And we are considered 5% (-2%) dangerous.

Ship Launches

Last week many new ships were launched by our members, among which:

Shiny Pirate Hunter, Baptiste’s new and shiny Paladin, launched on May 2nd. He intends to use it to fight space pirates on security missions level 4, as well as on counter Incursion fleets. In the meantime he’s now considering ownership of a new Zealot or Orca.

Your new ship also in the weekly update? Send your ship name, fit and idea behind it to Berdyon.

This was our weekly Liberty

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Weekly Liberty #3

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Thu 2024/05/16 18:00 EVE time.
  • Sat 2024/05/18 23:30 EVE time.
  • Sun 2024/05/19 14:00 EVE time.

Homefront Ops

Next Wednesday 2024/05/15 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

Tower Bashing

Last Saturday a number of towers fell to our hunter fleet.

Next Saturday 2024/05/18 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to bash some towers.

FOB Basher Fleet

Our FOB Basher fleet succesfully took out the Blood Raider Strongholds threatening our systems. After taking down their first base Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold… they returned a few days later, underestimating our resolve. So we showed them our resolve in a 22-ship strong fleet Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold. The inhabitants of our little corner of New Eden are very grateful to us for making the region a little safer yet again.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 4 (+2) kills with a total worth of about 118M ISK, or 15 (+12) points. And we are considered 19% (+14%) dangerous.

This was our weekly Liberty

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Weekly Liberty #4

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Tue 2024/05/21 23:30 EVE time.
  • Fri 2024/05/24 17:00 EVE time.

Homefront Ops

Last Wednesday 2024/05/15 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully completing multiple ops. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.

Next Wednesday 2024/05/22 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

Tower Bashing

Last Saturday we did not find a suitable worrmhole, and as such did not form the fleet.

Next Saturday 2024/05/25 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to bash some towers.

FOB Basher Fleet

Our FOB Basher fleet went on a bit of an excursion last week, taking down 4 FOB’s in one go, slightly further from home: Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold. Although the population there might have been surprised with this unfamiliar fleet arriving in their systems and taking down those pirate threats, we can be certain they appreciated our presence, and they might invite us over for tea next time.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 88 (+78) kills with a total worth of about 15.5B ISK, or 106 (+91) points. And we are considered 46% (+27%) dangerous. This latest leap up (we rose 306 places in alliance rank and are currently 870) is in large part thanks to our contributions to the Astral Counter Insurgency Operations.


The Guristas insurgency, where we succesfully helped Astral defend their system, has ended in a victory for the Guristas. Soon the Guristas might start a new insurgency there, and we’ll keep an eye on any help Astral might need from us. As for our own Angel Cartel insurgency; they seem to be close to victory here as well, and any followup insurgency might once again threaten our high-sec GAP systems, and having us start up our Guardian Angel Operations in earnest again. This time possibly with support from Astral. As always, updates on the situation will be posted in our mailing list: Guardian Angel Operations. Make sure to join it if you wish to stay up to date.

This was our weekly Liberty

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Weekly Liberty #5

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Wed 2024/05/29 12:00 EVE time.
  • Thu 2024/05/30 18:00 EVE time.
  • Fri 2024/05/31 12:00 EVE time.
  • Sat 2024/06/01 23:30 EVE time.
  • Sun 2024/06/02 14:00 EVE time.

Warning: There have recently been ganks near our moon mining ops, targeting high value miners, like those with ORE miners on board. Think twice before using a (too) high value mining ship there.

Homefront Ops

Last Wednesday 2024/05/22 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully completing multiple ops. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.

Next Wednesday 2024/05/29 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

WH Cleaning Services

Last Saturday we found a wormhole and managed to clean it up a little by taking down 25 abandoned structures inside of it.

Next Saturday 2024/06/01 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to take out the trash.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 10 (-78) kills with a total worth of about 325M ISK, or 50 (-56) points. And we are considered 19% (-27%) dangerous.

EREBOR Logistics joins Pillars of Liberty

Erebor Logistics has joined Pillars of Liberty, expanding our alliance and opportunities. With more presence in our sector, and access to a wormhole, Pillars of Liberty is growing ever stronger and more versatile.

This was our weekly Liberty

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Weekly Liberty #6

A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.

Past Week(s) & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Tue 2024/06/04 23:30 EVE time.
  • Thu 2024/06/06 12:00 EVE time.
  • Fri 2024/06/07 17:00 EVE time.

Warning: There have recently been ganks in system, targeting high value miners. Think twice before using a (too) high value mining ship there. And make sure that whatever you do bring is tanked up.

Homefront Ops

Last Wednesday 2024/05/29 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully completing multiple ops. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.

Next Wednesday 2024/06/05 we may head out again around 18:00, depending on how the “low risk high Isk” event goes (see below).

WH Cleaning Services

Last Friday one of our fleets cleaned up some abandoned structrures in wormholes.

Next Saturday 2024/06/08 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to take out the trash.

Low Risk, High Isk

This Wednesday 2024/06/05 starting 16:30 EVE time, Erebor is organising a mining fleet in the wormhole. Bring your best PVP ship preferably shield tanked. If not best mining ship shield tanked if not skilled for pvp.

Ask tilmpy about what kind of ship to bring or if you need one to fly. Use a jump clone to protect your implants. It will be a no risk situation for huge mining gains, Serious protection will be provided for the miners. Preferably bring your pvp ships over your mining ones if you have them.

Our Weekly zKill

According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 7 (-3) kills with a total worth of about 197M ISK, or 13 (-37) points. And we are considered 7% (-12%) dangerous.

Being in the wormhole

A friendly reminder that when you enter our (industrial) wormhole, you should be in the standing fleet (see Fleet Finder in Fleet) to make sure all alliance members in the wormhole know of each other’s presence. And if there is no Standing Fleet you can start one. Also it would be appreciated if you join the alliance Discord wormhole comms in order to be able to quickly respond to threats in the wormhole.

Also, suggestions to nickname the wormhole, for easier reference, are welcome. First suggestion: Holly.

New Holly Station

Cogswell Material Solutions has deployed a new staion in Holly. An Athanor, currently offering compression. With more to follow.

This was our weekly Liberty

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After successful PvP event what was in Saturday 08/31 we get nice kills, Kill: Papudo Tsabar (Vexor Navy Issue), Kill: Minmatar Control Tower Small Kill: Small AutoCannon Battery
Kill: Stasis Webification Battery with six other kills, what is improve your personal, corporation and alliance on killboard,

So next PvP event will be in Saturday 2024/09/06 at 19:00 EVE time, ( Calendar ).

Bring your Cruisers any type, fit with tackling, strong DPS with short range wepons+ammo, + drones.

Also 2-3 Frigates with instant lock fit.

SRP is active in event period.

Let shoot something with fun.

Aaron Roos


Pillars of Liberty is still going strong and groing stronger.

With 7 corporations and over 300 active members, we have multiple fleets and events every week. From mining fleets with boosts to combat fleets for PvE and PvP. Mostly in high-sec, but also in low-sec and wormhole space. And lots of opportunity for capsuleers to hone their skills and experience New Eden the way they want to.

If you think that you, or your corporation, might just feel at home in Pillars of Liberty, then contact us for more information. And start the path to joining our family.

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As we successfully improved kills from Saturday events Kill: Descender X (Heron Navy Issue) and in Gademam first serious kill in low sec Kill: Caldari Control Tower Small and day before we take down 2 FOBs in Nahol and Tadadan Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold we slowely grow over 5moon events every week mining ice with boost in Warouh.

FC Shad Kkep was sart a week ago WH c5 ratting very successfully.


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Last week, Pillars of Liberty, together with friends from other alliances and corporations, succesfully defended its interests in our favorite wormhole.

Prepared for a tough battle, Pillars of Liberty capsuleers and friends gathered in force. With fleets the size rarely seen in our favorite wormhole (and possibly thereby scaring away any opposition) we went to work. The offensive actions by the hostile force were stopped, and the next day their forward operating base, facilities and ships, worth around 3B ISK total, were destroyed.

Although Pillars of Liberty is generally more about “building” (building friendships, working together, mining and industry, growing numbers and wealth and generally making New Eden a better place), it is good to see that when it comes to war, together with our friends, we can succesfully protect our interests.

If you feel that Pillars of Liberty might be the right alliance for your corporation, contact Aaron Roos in EVE or through our Discord server: Pillars of Liberty

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