Weekly Liberty #2
A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.
Past Week(s) & Next Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):
High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.
New moon rocks will pop on:
- Tue 2024/05/07 23:30 EVE time.
- Fri 2024/05/10 17:00 EVE time.
Homefront Ops
Last Wednesday 2024/05/01 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully launching the new Raid fleet doctrine. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.
Next Wednesday 2024/05/08 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up (again) with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.
Tower Bashing
Next Saturday 2024/05/11 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out in wormhole space to bash some towers.
FOB Basher Fleet
Our FOB Basher fleet succesfully took out the Blood Raider Strongholds terrorizing our systems. Starting with Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, and followed up by these two last Saturday: Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold & Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold. The inhabitants of our little corner of New Eden are very grateful to us for making the region a little safer yet again.
Our Weekly zKill
According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 2 (-3) kills with a total worth of about 10M ISK, or 3 (-22) points. And we are considered 5% (-2%) dangerous.
Ship Launches
Last week many new ships were launched by our members, among which:
Shiny Pirate Hunter, Baptiste’s new and shiny Paladin, launched on May 2nd. He intends to use it to fight space pirates on security missions level 4, as well as on counter Incursion fleets. In the meantime he’s now considering ownership of a new Zealot or Orca.
Your new ship also in the weekly update? Send your ship name, fit and idea behind it to Berdyon.
This was our weekly Liberty