Weekly Liberty #4
A weekly update on the alliance’s goings on in the last week, the coming period, and in general.
Past Week(s) & Next Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):
High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.
New moon rocks will pop on:
- Tue 2024/05/21 23:30 EVE time.
- Fri 2024/05/24 17:00 EVE time.
Homefront Ops
Last Wednesday 2024/05/15 the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out. Succesfully completing multiple ops. Earning the participants some nice ISK rewards along the way.
Next Wednesday 2024/05/22 starting 18:00 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.
Tower Bashing
Last Saturday we did not find a suitable worrmhole, and as such did not form the fleet.
Next Saturday 2024/05/25 starting 18:00 EVE time, a fleet is going out again to bash some towers.
FOB Basher Fleet
Our FOB Basher fleet went on a bit of an excursion last week, taking down 4 FOB’s in one go, slightly further from home: Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold, Kill: Blood Raiders Stronghold. Although the population there might have been surprised with this unfamiliar fleet arriving in their systems and taking down those pirate threats, we can be certain they appreciated our presence, and they might invite us over for tea next time.
Our Weekly zKill
According to the Weekly zkill overview, Pillars of Liberty members are responsible for 88 (+78) kills with a total worth of about 15.5B ISK, or 106 (+91) points. And we are considered 46% (+27%) dangerous. This latest leap up (we rose 306 places in alliance rank and are currently 870) is in large part thanks to our contributions to the Astral Counter Insurgency Operations.
The Guristas insurgency, where we succesfully helped Astral defend their system, has ended in a victory for the Guristas. Soon the Guristas might start a new insurgency there, and we’ll keep an eye on any help Astral might need from us. As for our own Angel Cartel insurgency; they seem to be close to victory here as well, and any followup insurgency might once again threaten our high-sec GAP systems, and having us start up our Guardian Angel Operations in earnest again. This time possibly with support from Astral. As always, updates on the situation will be posted in our mailing list: Guardian Angel Operations. Make sure to join it if you wish to stay up to date.
This was our weekly Liberty