Pirate FW

It has been a while since I actually played played this game. Starting a new corp from scratch. I am currently looking for at least 2 Officer postions to fill that pays 100 mil a week each.Regular members start at 40 mil for just being in the corp that can ncrease based on time and what you can fly. Send me a mail writing what position you want, why You are Qualified ( can just be one of your ambitions) and why you want to join. I will then do a audio interview to get a better jiff of if you are the sort of person I can talk with comfortably.

Quick scope on my corp is I want to focus on Gurista FW and roaming pvp mostly in low sec, but maybe later wormhole raiding

-First position I need is a Human Resources Officer. Primary duties would include recruiting, settling internal disputes, and keeping a ledger on what our active times manpower is.

-Second position would be something of a FC commander that hopefully can theorize fun and good fleet doctines. If I can get both in one that would be nice but if you can only do 1 you can still apply.

Still looking

Still looking

still looking. any advice how to recruit better is also apptreciated

Still looking

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