Initial misconceptions out of the way:
- No, it would not be another way for system clustering.
- It would only benefit those who play either solo, with small groups, and those who have just begun playing EVE.
My idea of a Player owned Citadel-like structure goes like this:
An anchorable citadel-like structure which serves as a basic base of operations for those who rather play alone/solo industrialists, or with small groups. (Smaller than an Astrahus however, with related anchoring restrictions.)
The citadel-like structure would have less slots for modules, but atleast one for either Manufacturing or Research. (Market module would probably cause unwanted things)
Reinforcement times would be a tad bit shorter than Corporation Citadel ones.
Regardless of being entirely owned by a Player, it would still be vulnerable to random aggressions from either players or hostile npcs. Just to give the small taste of what to expect at all(?)
Upkeep cost would be dependant on installed modules. The more modules, the higher the cost.
There would be only 1 anchored citadel per player.
Had this idea for a while now. Let me know if something doesn’t add up