Players as Content and the Victim Mindset

Pfffft, what a load of old twaddle. It is totally clear what I said, you decided to say it was unbalanced, when I never used that word. You went straight on a strawman by using the word unbalanced and still are and because I pointed that out you then go on a personal attack vector.

To clarify, as you obviously need it. I used victim because the guy shooting NPC rats is obviously doing PvE so is possibly not set up for PvP, thus making him an easier target and a victim, remember the map shows rats killed. You seem to be reading more into the use of the word victim I think, which again shows the mindset you have.

The game was always set up to make the players content, and making a song and a dance about it and acting as if people don’t understand that is a bit odd. I detailed the map information because it was clear that this was the intent, but I have a strong view that it is downgrading the act of hunting in this game something that I have thought ever since I saw this free information on the map. That annoys you, seems an odd thing for you to get annoyed about?

I have flagged your post as inappropriate, I hope someone else does too, I have also flagged Destiny’s post where he incorrectly defines me as a bigot. Both of your posts are against the forum rules.

I also find it highly amusing that Destiny keeps on doing the you are mad insult, while chasing me around the forums, doing insulting third person posts and demanding I chase him in game. Don’t forget Destiny that you clearly stated that you wanted to upset someone enough on the forums to go after you in game which is not what these forums are for…

Also I find it highly amusing and worrying that these so called experts seem to think that they are the arbitrators of what can be said or not on these forums in terms of the game and its mechanics and have declared themselves as the judge, jury and police all in one. The arrogance knows no bounds.

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It’s actually perfectly alright if the person in question willingly assumes the role of a public figure (e.g. speaking/making claims for other people, proposing policy as an “expert in the field,” etc). Plenty of people talk about Mittens, for example, or that other guy, without calling them out directly. With this person it goes beyond the mere expression of opinion, because they assume the role of coordinator between various groups, like their own alliance, affiliated groups like AGs, and non-affiliated groups like BF and WM. When someone takes on such an outsize role, they can be criticized in public, even without their own input.

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That makes a lot of sense.

As a freedom lover, I have done nothing to silence the post in question, but I none-the-less believe there was a higher road. I might be more inclined to agree with a third person stance if the person we were talking about wasn’t an active forum participant with plenty of time to respond to criticism directly.

Let’s just say that Destiny has a lot of very strong opinions about how people act in the game, and makes up a lot of highly unbelievable ‘stories’ to demonstrate it, and often throws in ‘facts’ which turn out to be completely wrong.

So take quite a bit of the salt that gets mined in EVE along with anything Destiny says to support their game view.

Now, on the rare occasion Destiny starts talking actual game mechanics and techniques you can get some actually useful, but that’s becoming a lot less common these days.

They’re always able to respond to whatever they want. We’re just not obligated to limit our conversation about them to only cases in which they respond.

As far as higher roads go, that option isn’t really necessary due to the fringe viewpoints expressed by the person in question (e.g. their bigotry).

Don’t let anyone get under your skin - on the forums or in Local :slight_smile: (I know, easier written than upheld)

You have a knack for creating quite interesting threads that often result in good exchanges and lively debates. And for that I’m sure quite a few of us appreciate you, both for that effort and for your enthousiasm for the game.


Best is if you guys subscribe always for a whole year :slight_smile:

Why point the finger when we are the content?

Yes and very worthy of discussion.

‘Don’t let people get under your skin’

This reminds me of that old phrase. “Never in the history of calming down did someone calm down by being told to do so”

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its kinda hard for the common man like me to keep up with all the palatial intrigues your majesties have in game or other forums
i fell like the most insipid commentaries are weighted by which “side of the island” they land on
for the sake of making the discussion more intelligible to all i have 2 suggestions

  1. grow up
  2. get a room

It certainly explains some of the behaviour here. A lot of people are suspicious of every comment lest it be an attack on their play style and attempt to remove it from the game. They start discrediting things before they even read them.

It is natural to feel the way we do and sometimes we see change as an attack on what we consider normal game play and as natural to us as just loging in to the game or the forum.

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Straight away i’ve got a suggestion. Back in the 90’s 00’s when you started writing something in word a little paperclip popped up and said something like, “it looks like you are writing a strongly worded letter to someone’s manager, would you like some help?”

Well EVE needs a paper clip. The game is smart enough to know if someone got ganked. It needs a little paper clip that pops up, (perhaps that bald AI image we used to have that took us through the career stuff.) You’ve just been ganked, congratulations this is what that means and this is how your loss feeds the sandbox environment of the game. Would you like some help?

If you click yes to help then a new career agent is made available to you with simulated situations that teach you how to fit well, to avoid ganks, how much you can safely carry in your ship, the mwd trick etc etc. Five or six missions that teach you the things that the good gankers will tell you anyhow.


When I first started playing all we had was a video called “This is EvE” which was basically player recorded footage of ships shooting each other to a background of some “Wub Wub” or soft rock.

EVE Online - This is EVE III (1080 HD) - YouTube EVE Online - This is EVE III (1080 HD) - YouTube


Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 10/10


Did you just make this? That was very quick.

I would say that is a paper clip too far, this is supposed to be a new player experience thing to help retention not another safety to switch to red and forget about. I already have enough clutter on my overview.

No, brother. THIS is EVE. Boring AF to watch and unsellable to potential capsuleers. Even if you overlaid it with Ride of the Valkyries.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: