Possibly Insane? Medium guns on Dreads?

Dior, nobody is stopping you from fitting medium guns on a battleship or small beams on a Rokh.

I know, just… it would look so dumb! I have a salvager on my Nestor and I barely can see it!
Big ships need big guns!

Yes you can do that. Just fit them.

If you fit 8x heavy neutron blaster II’s on a Rokh, you won’t get the the large hybrid turret damage or optimal bonus, but every frigate or destroyers will just hit approach and orbit at 500m on you - then you grapple them, shake them around a bit and tell them that they made a big mistake.

I would probably fit maybe 2 rapid light launchers if I really had to. That way I could keep my range and most of my dps. But this isn’t an option for most large ships, this is why I would make my CIWS an utility module instead of an actual turret.

One of the reasons I really loved the idea of a rig somehow enabling a couple extra slots (ie a large rig offering 1 or 2 “small hardpoints+slots”). I agree that it isn’t feasible at the moment for most ships. Something like a Raven would be able to get away with it, with an obvious reduction to its primary weapon system (torps/cruise) for the tradeoff of being able to turn frigates and destroyers into fireworks.

I was thinking and I think a missile launcher based system would be the easiest to test if it would be reasonable to make special undersized weapons. Missiles are good for this because we don’t have to deal with the stats of the missiles, all fine-tuning required is RoF, reload speed and storage capacity.

I’ll call them expanded launchers for now. The idea is to make a system similar to the rapid launchers, except instead of increased burst DPS, we would have a much more efficient launcher.

  • Light missiles would get medium, large and capital* expanded launchers.
  • Heavy missiles would get large and capital* expanded launchers.
  • Cruise missiles would get a capital* expanded launcher.

These launchers would have similar fitting requirements of other launchers of the class they are intended for, but would store significantly more missiles than a regular launcher. The DPS including reloading (in case of the large expanded light missile launcher for this example) should be about halfway between a T1 light missile launcher and a T1 cruise missile launcher. Using these launchers would reduce the overall damage and range, but would give infinitely better application against smaller things than yourself.

The capital versions would be interesting, I didn’t do the math but I can imagine that these would have a cycle time that is shorter than a second, especially in the case of the capital expanded light missile launcher. To fix this I would change the “charges per cycle” stat. Nearly all modules that need any kind of charges have this stat on 1, but I think these launchers could have that increased, launching 3-5 missiles at the same time against the same target.

I did the math! And unless I completely forgot everything I learned in grade school, it should be correct.
The numbers on the “standard” were taken from the T1 missiles and modules, with no bonuses or skills having any effect on them.

I thought adding 1/3rd of the difference between the dps of the normal and the expanded launchers would be more reasonable.
Surprisingly, the capital launchers don’t have too fast RoF that would make them impossible to control.

Again, this is supposed to trade range and damage for better application, while being more efficient than simply putting a light missile launcher on a battleship to be able to hit frigates.

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