Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

no… it actually doesn’t, at least not any more value than any other player has.
You paying for a service does not mean you are owed ANYTHING once you have received said service. you paid for 1 months subscription to the game (for however many months) you received that. transaction done.
you think the gas station owes you anything because you happen to fuel up your car there?

You have said yourself that you are an alpha right now, ergo NOT a paying customer, you may have been at one point, but currently you are not. so why the hell should your voice have any more weight than people who are currently paying customers?

although, really you should be grateful for that, because if things worked the way you seem to want them too, I can guarantee that there are many people here. myself included, who would have far, far more of a say than you do. to put this into perspective for you, i’ve also been playing since 07/08 so roughly the same length of time as you have. i’ve also taken some breaks over the years. However, I generate roughly 1000 dollars of revenue for CCP in plex/extractors/etc per month… yes… I give them, per month, as much as you claim you have given them in the past 12 years. and I am HARDLY a unique case in this, there are several people in my corp, and quite a few more in my alliance who generate similar or greater amounts of revenue…

so tell me again, why you think your opinion should matter more than mine?

can’t afford to plex your account, pay for your account, can’t afford to do that, play alpha until you can. but don’t go demanding that other people be FORCED to stop doing (quite easily and happily I might add) what you are seemingly unable to do, simply because you can’t figure out a way to do it.

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I don’t demand others be forced to stop doing anything other than botting.

I simply think the only way to omega your account should be with a paid subscription. PLEX can exist as outlets to legally buy isk, skill injectors, etc.


Then pay with cash, and stop whining and caring about PLEX. The only problem I see is in your head.


You do this every time someone with an comparable opinion enters the chat right?

Is it REALLY so hard to believe for you that this opinion is not by far as solo if you would like it to be?

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That’s what she said.

Ranting does not take away the wrongness of your post…

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The rise in PLEX is mostly due to the fact that a major isk sink has been taken away in the form of NPC market fees. PLEX, skill injectors, etc… can be traded on the market with minimal expense to the seller, allowing a good trader to keep even more of the profits to reinvest. One of the fastest ways in EvE to get rich is becoming a market trader and the lack of fees make it that much easier. The market manipulation is moving into other niche areas as well and becoming a real issue for producing certain products.

CCP has created a real problem by letting players create their own market hubs. They seem to have failed to realize how much isk would stay in player hands and not magically evaporate into the market fee abyss. The isk is flowing and fireworks are popping as traders reinvest their profits. PLEX will continue to rise as player sales are now basically all profit.

If you don’t like it, stop your crying and move on. EvE has moved in a different direction, it may no longer be for you.

I have loved eve all my adult life, I doubt it could ever not be for me. Thank you for your concern though.

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can’t agree with ya on that one man, CCP are making bank with plex sales and that’s good for the game.

player A has the time to grind for plex.

player B doesn’t and needs isk.

why not cater to both ?

if your plex you sub you are indirectly paying more per month.

Alpha is an extended trial account, nothing more.

so you plex, CCP get 20 bucks per sub, be smart, pay for the year and it’s 11 bucks a month. or pay the 15 bucks and not worry about it.

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Fact: PLEX aren’t going to go away.
Your opinion: doesn’t matter.


Learn how to read, I never said get rid of PLEX. Keep all the other options of PLEX available, just remove using it to sub as Omega.

By the way, paid subscriptions is what CCP actually wants. Sounds like you’re one of those players with a dozen alt accounts who buys PLEX with ISK to sub all your accounts.

How is this a bad idea beside the fact the rich would outrage and power all of their media might against it?

But what if the poor don’t believe the media propaganda why they HAVE to stay poor for the good of all(which is a lie).

What would the rich do?

Shoot all poor?

Or give in?

Yes we read them and we just love the ■■■■■■■■ PR token gestures such as 1 min reduction on panic and the slap on the wrist on carriers. Those will accomplish a lot …

I personally love especially how the goon CSM wants to eliminate the only and last decent way for people that don’t spend years in prep or pay 100s of Bil to even enter their space. I mean, those Rorqs and ratters sure are having in rough right now huh … ? I mean there is no agenda there, none, whatsoever …

Welcome to Eve directed by CCP under the guidance of CSM.

Then do what I did. Unsub and stay alpha, be a pure 100% drain on their resources without adding into the revenue. I did it purely 100% based on principle, nothing else. Then occasionally log in for the lulz and to laugh at all this ■■■■. I truly do find it highly entertaining.

That won’t even make a dent. NES purchases are too small to matter. BTW, did you see the guy that put 577k+ PLEX on the market 2 days ago ? Like 4 jumps from Jita ? It was IChooseYou and hes got tons more, that was like 2.7+ Tril worth of PLEX. And its gone now, I don’t know if it all got bought out or he yanked it from the market, but I literally logged out less then 1/2 hour ago and its gone.

So there are people like this in the game, few, but they do have countless PLEX between them along with trillions of ISK and if they get together, they actually could change the games economy.

Just sayin. If I were them though I wouldn’t do it, I’d just rather enjoy the ■■■■ show and watch it all spiral out of control.

More like insignificant token ■■■■■■■■. Start with cap insurance for example, instead of bringing the proportions down to below those of T2 and T3 ships, since those take mats other then just basic minerals to make, they ■■■■■■■ reduced it, and thats it. In some cases not even by half !!! What kinda ■■■■■■■ joke is that ? Did these devs smoke some laced weird ■■■■ lately ? O wait I know, it musta been the CSM advice … Cuz that is some solid ■■■■ there …

Yea… Lets see how well that will turn out …

LOL hells yea. Its time those whales dig deeeeeeeeeeeeep into their pockets to keep their ■■■■ afloat.

Moar injektorz moar Rorqz and Suprz !!!

Who said that the 26k are people ? Have you ever heard of bots, AFKers, or multiboxers ?



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If you’ve played since 07 then making 2bil a month is a piece of piss, its literally 67mil a day, you can make that in an hour in abyssal deadpace tier 3 or above, high sec HQ incursions can make you around 180mil an hour, if the cost in an issue then i would propose you might be doing something wrong

Omega time IS the reason PLEX have any value, nuke that and most people arne’t going to bother buying PLEX with RL cash as there won’t be any meaningful use for it ingame


Plex prices are going up because there are way to many uses for it, if you remove the ability to activate your account with plex it will become aurum.

This is not true

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Yes and loads of people totally used aurum right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Without omega time there is minimal demand for PLEX and it won’t actually really count as a revenue stream anymore, not to mention all the players they will lose who are unable/unwilling to pay the monthly subscription fee, at the end of the day removing omega time from the list of PLEX uses WILL result in decreased income for CCP, even if 100% of all the PLEX omega players swapped over to paying the monthly subscription CCP would still lose around 60% of its income, so yeah, never going to happen


Back then we didnt have extractors, skins, MTC, resculpts…
But i know you are right, its not gonna happen.

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And none of those compete with the amount of PLEX being used for omega time, injector sales are linked to extractor sales which are linked to plexing your account, without being able to buy omega for PLEX most people aren’t going to maintain SP farms which will drop the demand for extractors, CCP doesn’t win in any scenario where omega time for PLEX is removed

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