Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

it would have to be at least double the current number of players otherwise ccp will be taking a loss from the change, given the fact that the game is 17 years old now, and the mmo genre on the whole is in a slump, this is VERY unlikely to happen. even a 50% increase would be optimistic, and thats assuming that half of all existing players double their current active accounts, in order to break even, and that is also quite unlikely. sure some people may start extra’s up, but not everyone would, many people don’t have a need for a second account, at least not enough of a need to pay 2b for when they are currently complaining about those prices for 1 account.
and while someone like me would probably add one or two accounts, I certainly wouldn’t add 13 more which is what would be required for me to double my number.

the current gaming market, and the age of the game means that if they cut the price of subs/plex in half ccp would be guaranteed to loose money. they start doing that, and how much longer do you think PA would keep footing the bill before they pull the plug?

CCP had 40 M$ liquid money in bank in time of take over, if they spend that money PA will “shut down studio”
Hint: look how fast EA close unsuccessful studios :rofl:

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188,538 for 67 accounts 201 chars
562,800 for 200 accounts 600 chars

That is your feeling. Mine, on the other hand, its over 3b for a sub.

More like open up alpha to PVP. Currently there is not many stuff to do with alpha skill set. Like demo version, not really can compete with anything. (Unless they are trader prodigy, but people play eve to shoot space ship)

Not every one comes to PVP, yes. Lets we say that to CCP. I’d like alpha can do mining and manufacturing too. But maybe they will answer with something like “it is dangerous to eve economy.”

Yeah, with the idea, there will be freeloader with perfect frigate skill. but isnt it necessary to increase player pool? Thats the today market trend right? Free to play player integrated as a part of the game. Many dev offering a game with many player for the real customer paying for it.

I mean, we can see how great Artifact doing right now. A game that arent F2P friendly. Purchase the game and must pay more to get more item and doing stuff. Completely different than DotA2, where you basically given all hero without any restriction and sell cosmetic instead. The different of those two game are the approach to F2P.

by many reason, the bitter vets prefer quit, and EVE cant invite new guys as many as those who quit.

EVE need player regeneration. they got good marketing, tho their game kinda hard to make new player stick. It useless if we pay subs, and play with few people.

Not all Omega pay the game, the customer is the one who pays. Customer will want a game with many player. then make the game have many people play it.

I dont know PLEX price is skyrocketing because of ISK printer in Delve or because less customer willing to pour money to the game. tho, if player pool increased, it will surely help.

why is 500 plex (with 60 free…) $20 but a months game time only $15? Didn’t a months game time in sub or plex used to cost the same?

Yes yes we all have to eat the difference though is some of us have to use rusty spoons whilst others use silverware.
There are also those that use gold…
Yes EvE online is a business, but it is also a game; is eve online somehow being forced to compensate for other projects or pockets?

Who knows, it got boring though for sure and at 2+ bil a month for a plex im not gonna plex my 3 accounts anymore; So after 12 years i have quit playing and i dont think i will be coming back if the current game trend continues.

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If it ever did it hasn’t cost the same for a very very long time. I think you might he going back to the old game time cards there, which were not plex as they had no alternative use other than game time.

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You stop ganking new player in high sec :sweat_smile: (kidding it is part of the game).

I totally agree with you. PLex price is like insane right know, the only thing we can do is to stop buying them, simply.

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Plex is an income for CCP, like skill extractors, like cosmetics, what are you defending mate, seriously ? Do you want plex to be unafordable ? To push poeple to don’t buy them ?

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Dual boxing is wh space is more than regular, even a corp like Lazerhawks ask new pilote in their corp to have 2 accounts… Power of 2 leads me to the way of dual boxing, it is definitly in the spirit of this game and more than allowed (multi account)… Dude…

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yes, but lazerhawks is also relatively high end content, and niche high end content at that considering that only a small fraction of eves total population lives in wormholes.
I never said that multi-boxing doesn’t happen, that its in any way a bad thing, or even that it isn’t common (although apparently according to the most recent ccp ama the average number of accounts per player in the game is only around 1.8 which means that the majority of players only run 1)

All I was pointing out, was that if ccp was to cut the price of plex/subscription in half, in order to maintain the same levels of income that they have now, they would need to double the number of active accounts.
Now since eve is already a 16+ year old game, and since mmo’s are not in a great place right now as a genre, its next to impossible that they would manage to double the number of active players just because the price went down. and by the same token, its even less likely that even half the players in eve would double their current number of accounts. which means, cutting sub prices in half would be almost guaranteed to result in lost income for ccp.
and along with that lost income, would very shortly come PA pulling the plug.

The plex price is the same actually 20 euro about, if you decrease the ingame price more poeple will ask for them = more poeple will buy them…


We have to assume that:

  • CCP know that increasing or decreasing their prices will affect their revenue and profit
  • CCP have calculated the approximate price points that maximize their key objectives - which for most companies are a mix of revenue and profit that suits company objectives (**)

Basic economics: for a given market and a given product:

  • After a certain point lowering price any further reduces profits and/or revenue
  • After a certain point increasing rice any further reduces profits and/or revenue

This principle is true even if the product costs almost nothing to manufacture.

The intensity of customer feelings and wishes doesn’t change the principle. Customers who don’t pay actual money (the ISK-rich PvE players and botters who buy PLEX for ISK) aren’t considered directly.

And they’re doing a very poor job of providing content for paying customers at the moment, so they shouldn’t have much influence on CCP behavior at all.

New, growing companies often forego profit for growth. CCP is neither new nor growing.


Might want to check that 1.8 figure. I’m sure CCP said 1.6 at the recent fanfest or somewhere.

@Latista I have no idea what you mean what am I defending. The post you replied to was me saying plex for a months worth hasn’t been the same price as a monthly subscription forever. And probably is the old gtc’s being thought of that were not the same as plex.

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Then ingame items will be more expensive and the same freeloaders will complain they cannot buy the ships, fittings and ammo for the ships they can now fly.

How much was the plex 4 months ago ? 1b6, was t3 cruisers more expensiv ? no price decreased… This is wrong. And to be able to fly like you say, a ship, and you need to buy a plex, if plex price is too high you wont have the money to fly it. This is my actual issue, I got the money to fly a ship and if I loose it, I am not able to farm enough, I mean everybody can take a venture and farm for hours in high sec, but you are not playing the game, you are farming to be able to play. A 500m difference or even more is the difference who will allow you to buy a ship. And I haven’t seen the price of ammo or stuff decreasing because the plex price is increasing…

@Elena_Laskova what is the approximate price point of the plex ? Tell me, back in 2014 the plex value was around 700m. I am a customer, and I refuse to pay the actual price for a plex. Don’t forget that plex is not only to play for free, plex is also made now to buy cosmetics and stuff… (skin and …etc…) How can you say that lowering price ingame will reduce revenue ? How can you say that ? The irl price doesn’t change !!! Fixed price in real life and low price in game means more poeple = more demand = more poeple who will buy plex and sell them. If you buy plex and nobody buy them you are like fuked and all the system fall down.

And : of course if poeple buy plex to ccp and not a third party web site selling them cheaper, poeple who run those sites won’t have money anymore, I agree, it can disturb an ugly business.

Look what is happening now, look buyers order, fixed quantity, small increase of price, what is happening now is simple : botters are buying plex in a so large quantity that they can sell them making marging trading, price is constently increasing, who can afford to buy 11’011 plex or 1515 each time ? Answer is simple : bot farmers, poeple making trillions, they are just killing the game for Real money.

here 2 bots fighting each other :

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The price of PLEX that drives CCPs behavior is the one in real money.

The number of PLEX available for release into EVE’s internal market is driven by that price and the demand of “cash-rich” players to exchange cash for ISK, which they do via PLEX. If CCP manipulate the internal market (such as freezing the PLEX/ISK exchange rate at some artificially low number) it will influence the behavior of PLEX-for-cash buyers.

The ISK price of PLEX is an artifact of the in-game environment.

CCP can’t just go in and change it without accepting the consequences - which would be detrimental to their business objectives (for simplicity, I’ve assumed that revenue and/or profit are their most important metrics).

As for the current real-money pricing strategy for subscriptions and PLEX: I don’t need to know the details. I only need to make the obviously rational assumption that CCP hire business professionals to make the calculations.
An aside: PLEX for cash buyers lose nothing if they stop exchanging PLEX for ISK, or (on aggregate) permanently reduce their purchases. They’re paying subscriptions for their accounts, so they can keep playing with their existing resources, and with significantly less extra ISK from selling PLEX.

So while the current situation is probably a temporary thing, the PLEX/cash market isn’t necessarily stable in the longer term.

It’s a shame hardly anyone here pays attention to the facts. Denying the relevance of the PLEX/cash market is one part of that. Denying the fact that CCP’s behavior is influenced and constrained by their need for revenue and profit is another. EVE players aren’t just “lost in the fog” regarding the game itself /lol…

The PLEX-buying “whales” are the real elite of EVE. The pretend-elite are freeloaders whose only possible contribution is interesting content for others. And they’re falling down on the job.

Plex prices wont go down, because to little new PLEX coming in game (
players buying wery little PLEXs for cash ) and large quantity of PLEXs are sterilized from game by SF. That is main reason.

this is only market speculations of middle man:

This year we wont have “summer low” in PLEX price because pressure from SF is to high.