Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

SP farms need large amounts of PLEX to work and this has caused enormous demand for PLEX and rising prices.

For example, how many PLEXs per month need a SP farm with 200 characters ???

I am playing eve for 5 years and took for 5 years for my 2 accounts a year subscription (240$ about per year). One of my account will be over tomorrow, I was like, letā€™s plex for once, well, I saw the plex price and my answer is plane and simple : I wonā€™t take another year sub and I wonā€™t plex. The plex price is making leaving me the game.

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How many botters mister bad players ? Poeple like you think botting is natural, are plenty of money and then make this of sentence. If for you it is playingā€¦ Several guys are not playing the game and are rich like I will never be. Go hunt solo a bit then come back to talk.

How is the plex price impacting your subscription? This seems a very very odd thing to say.

Simple, if you donā€™t like to farm, like me, and you like to hunt, to play the game, to interract with poeple, well you will have to farm more to pay your plex, and you end disguted by the game. I donā€™t want to spend time to feed my second account in plex and overall i will simply stop to play. Not taking a year sub on my main. (farming is for me the worst part of this game)

Cheaper is the plex price, more poeple will buy them, more ccp will sell themā€¦

/Edit : the actual price is affordable without any issue for bott farmers, not for regulars and leggit players like me. / edit 2 : and I am taking risks farming in solo dread in wh spaceā€¦

/edit 3 : the second direct impact is the injector price, close the plex price and related to the plex price. You pay a year sub to farm to inject = same as paying plex. Ccp has a double income : with extractors and plexā€¦

/edit 4 : i agree with the poster, Naturalclone killer : ccp has to act to do something to regular the price. As i said, regular players wonā€™t pay for them and only old players over rich or bot farmers will keep buying themā€¦ Population of players will decrease leading to the end of the game.

You donā€™t like to farm and you donā€™t like to pay RL for subscription. But you like to play and CCP have to do something.

But you subscribed for years and years. You tried plex once and it wasnā€™t for you, but why not just subscribe, you obviously never had a problem doing so before. And EVE becomes relatively cheaper every year (unless your country is experiencing deflation anyway, but inflation makes EVE actually cheaper year to year).

Soā€¦ again, why do plex prices mean you canā€™t subscribe like you always were anyway.

Because it honestly sounds to me like you are just looking for an excuse to be mad at CCP here.

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Dude iā€™ve payed 2 accounts for 5 years without any issue, bcse i know that devs need to eat some food and that servers cost. I got a situation know where i canā€™t afford 2 accounts only 1 and know I tell you, I have to spend more time to farm. And yes, farming is boring.

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I did an funny experience to remember what it is to be a new player in eve. I have simply deleted (yes deletedā€¦) my 2 accounts with 100m sp each to start from the beggining. I did a really interresting experience, how far and how fast i can rebuild a toon specially know with skills injectors. Answer is : in december when i started back, injector price was 750m about, it was correct, I had pleasure to farm and hunt trough relic and data sites in wh and null sec space. I was able to buy quickly small injectors. Know my toon is 27m sp and when i want to buy large skills, well for 3 for exemple i feel the difference between to pay 2b25 and 2b85. I can buy a lot of ships, loose them and play with 600m. Now, I canā€™t. I noticed i had to farm more to earn more, I am loosing day after day the good taste of playing ā€¦

Edit : and as i said, injector price is directly linked to the plex price. No excuse, just sharing my own experience. I was on my way to say, as a new player you can play, inject and buy plex trough playing. Now, it is possible but you will spend your time only farming, you wonā€™t have time to explore and play the game. Poeple answering here should maybe try this experience : recreate a new toon and donā€™t use your 3-4 rorquals or super accounts to feed them, try to make money by your own. Test it for one month (i did it for 4 months) and come back here talking about injectors and plex price.

If I did that I wouldnā€™t care about plex price or I
injector price. Because neither is required to be relevant to a new player. You can just train skills normally, earn isk, subscribeā€¦
You seem stuck on this ā€œgotta go fasterā€ grind mentality. That is the real issue.


You do know that plex bought with money from other players so ISK is traded for $. If CCP would insert PLEX their income would go down and the server would be shut down. Why not make alphas and omegas equal? And hope CCP becomes a charity. :star_struck:


Some surely have forgotten thisā€¦

It Does NOT MATTER AT ALL if virtual stuff is spawned in the ā€œmarketā€ because there is no ā€œmarketā€ā€¦just the imagination of itā€¦

Even if the ā€œmarketā€ crashes down in flames there will be no real ā€œdamageā€ā€¦just this game would endā€¦maybeā€¦

You just take this GAME way too seriousā€¦

WHY flagging this?

This is no reaosn for a flagā€¦seems to me some people really try too hard to censor an opinion they donā€™t likeā€¦

This IS a gameā€¦and nothing moreā€¦

as alpha ? How many new player do you see ? I spent my time to answer to them and to help them as I can, seems you havenā€™t seen them for a while. They all ask for making fast money. I did skilled without gridding dude, for 4 years. I saw skills injectors arriving, I mean before that you couldnā€™t grind at all, know you can. Eve has changed, but you donā€™t realize that.

speak about dogs would be the same, or about a pink dwarf. If you have something to add to this topic go ehead, we all know this is a game and pixels, we are talking about this game and pixels.

And yes it is relevent for a new player to have a way to become ā€œequalā€ to an old player regarding ships and skills and for that they need skills injectors

No, this is a business.


I second that :+1:


If Plex price was:

Ā£10 per month or 1 bil isk in game - How many players would we see return to the game, or continue after Alpha or even pay from the start?

PS. I want CCP to have more money in their pockets as the hope is this would be reinvested back into the game and we get to continue enjoying this MMO!

Getting the balance right IMO between CCP income and player retention is key.

From a player perspective it feels as if PLEX is too expensive right now.


I am not here complaining about the Plex price being high or low. I am here to correct misunderstandings that some people have.

Let me repeat this for you, CCP is not playing a game, they have to pay employees and keep servers running.

CCP is keeping an eye on the plex prices because they have to either change ISK faucets or give discounts on plex.

There is no need to complain as they are looking at the market data and not this post. You could have used all your time here to actually do things ingame like me and not have to complain about the plex situation, butā€¦ hey, you made your decisions and will now bare the consequences. Donā€™t blame others for your failures and extremist ignorance, let me repeat: ā€œCCP has announced they are keeping an eye on the plex situationā€. Trolling the forums does not give you ISK nor plex.

Again a way too serious post in a game forumā€¦

There is no harm at all for ccp in controlling the ā€œmarketā€ because there is noneā€¦itā€™s all non existingā€¦