Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

It’s said evertime someone says “eve is a pvp game”…

Everything in eve is done in competition against other players, everything is pvp.

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You’re no authority to tell others how the world looks like when what you’re claiming and actual reality differ dramatically.

The industry is heading towards “player created content” because it’s more economical. Battle Royals aren’t just the new craze, they’re going to stay. The industry, as a whole, is shifting towards “player created content” because that’s much cheaper than developers creating content.

As usual do you refuse to look at things that don’t fit your totalitarian worldview.


This isn’t entirely true. If they increase the cost of plex in real world currency, supplies would go down and the rate of exchange would go up. If they reduce the cost of plex in real world currency, supplies would go up and the rate of exchange would go down.

I’m not saying they should… but they do have a way to control it.

Then you are solo in this thread or simply a troll. And for the millionth time - PLEX is a luxury item, if a noob can’t afford it, he/she can definitely afford a subscribtion, or can work harder for it, like we all did as noobs many years ago when it was cheaper, but earning ISK was way harder.

No intervention. Period. And don’t compare with real life economics, this is a game, no matter how close the market seems to the real one. Begone now with your stupid ideas.

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Obviously your entire post is aimed at me. You fabricated a quote with my character picture shown and wrote something I didn’t say. In your post you again aim your text at me as if I have said something by using quotation marks. That is twice in one post you delibarately try to show as if I made remarks I absolutely didn’t make. In my opinion that is a bannable offence on any forum board and hence I have reported you after you made this specific post and not before.

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its true, they CAN control it this way, (or through sales) however, if they lower the dollar price of plex, they would also need to lower the dollar price of subscriptions in order to maintain the slightly higher dollar value of a plex month vs a subscription month.
and while lower dollar price of plex may lead to an increase in supply, the lower dollar value of subscriptions would also mean more people opting for subs instead of plexing, dropping demand. which would lower the ig value of plex even more, until you reach a point where people stop buying plex for cash becasue the IG value just isn’t worth it anymore.
from the players perspective this may seem like a good thing, however ccp is a company, and so the only metric that actually matters is their bottom line, dropping price of plex and subs by 10% would result in at least a 10% drop in revenue over the long term. and frankly, I would rather pay a couple hundred mil of fictional money every month, if it means the company I support gets to maintain their profit margins.

(as for why the company would want to maintain the higher price for a plex month vs a sub month, it comes down to uncertainty. lets say i have the option of paying you 60 dollars a day, guaranteed for the next year, or 100 dollars a day, when I feel like it, and I can stop any time. you would probably prefer I take option a, but probably wouldn’t mind me taking option b. but lets say things changed, and now I have the option of paying you the same 60 per day guaranteed, or 60 per day if I felt like it with no commitment… well there would be no reason I would ever agree to the 1 year version, but, since you are the one giving me the option, you no longer gain the benefits from option B. so why would you continue to offer it?)

Thank you for not putting more noise on grid :slight_smile:

Ok, as i said the real problem is that EVE is freezing, the demand for PLEX is higher than never because the ISK printing machine is constantly growing, and the PLEX offer is not growing.

Let start from here, do not go directly to what player do or leave doing with their money, think about what can do CCP about it, and there is a lot They can do.

CCP has done it again, but the wrong way, the easy way, they have changed some numbers in a configuration file and the rorqs yield have been nerfed, the anoms respawn rate is longer and alphas can not run L3 and L4 missions. probably this hard work took them 5 minutes.

I think those wrong “solutions” are not the result of a lack of capacity but a total absence of imagination and creativity.

Creative way: make resources not predictable.

Not a 5 minutes work, but can be done, and botters will cry, and farmers will be forced to apply their cognitive capacities to farm, and the big alliances will fight again.

That “creative way” will eventually get solved, “optimal” fits will be devised and everything will become same as before the change.

you mix these, but they had different reasoning for the changes.

Alphas were cut access to level 4 and 5 missions (not 3 and 4) because bots were abusing level 4 distribution missions en-masse and CCP couldn’t deny access only to those so blanket restriction was applied.

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Well…they could set a fair price on PLEX from their website. It should be equal to the price of a monthly subscription. Their greed has it set at 33% more than the cost of a recurring subscription (which has no discount). In the long run, they would sell a lot more PLEX and make more money.

when I say unpredictable I mean unpredictable in the short scale of an anomaly or a signature, the mid scale of belts and the total scale of the distribution all over New Eden.

Instead of thinking why is not a good idea try to think why and how could be a good idea, is a much more productive exercise.

Could be they could not restrict access only to distribution missions in 5 minutes, it could have been a 5 hours hard work or so. Do you know what have been the effect of this restriction? the same as the others, an income restriction for hi-sec players.

Does the green gate represent CCP?

Removed some off-topic posts and others to clean the thread a little.

It seems that too many players that are bad, And refuse to get better, yet want the game easy.
The get their way when its too hard… So its nerfed to be faceroll easy…no

EvE will not and should not ever be that. If you cant earn a plex TOO FREAKING BAD! WE DONT CARE!

Pay 38 cents a day, or learn to play. Stop b!tching. Stop trying to ruin the game. No other gane can fill this spot if it goes, and WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE IF YOU ARE GOING TO TRY TO CRY TILL YOU GET YOUR WAY.

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Interesting. Are you religious by any chance? Eve is the biggest PVE game in town.

I think alpha should have at least something to be on par with others. Right now, they can only have really limited engagement.

Might be by letting them can have lv5 core skills, lv5 tank skills, T2 frigates, T2 small weapons and light drones, complete with lv5 weapon support skills.

Maybe I dont get the danger of giving alphas access to T2 frigates. even if it that dangerous, then limit to those ship and still give access to lv5 core skills.

Keep limiting them from more stuff like slower training, no multiboxing, market, industrial, mining or extracting, medium and larger weapons, dictors, cruisers doctrines, and more larger and newer toys.

Can still play with other on same level in various frigates, instead being loot pinata. make alpha can play toe to toe with other. if they see EVE PVP is fun, they gonna pour money for more.

This way, the demand for plex might be reduced. Since you can unplex those dosens of titan/super/rorq one-man-fleet in case skyrocketing PLEX/ISK ratio. and have fun with a retribution either solo or in roaming retrifleet. Also good for newbro, making them add more population in EVE ecology.

Talking about newbro, we need to have “new player welcome pack” made of a set of nontransferable items that give instant lv5 skill to a T1 frigate and T1 small weapon.

I imagine, if I introduce EVE to my kid, he chose “gallente pack” out of the other three and given instant lv5 to gallente frigate and small hybrid, then fly blaster Incursus. instead of waiting weeks just for those two skills, and can focus on core skills and weapon skill instead.

New player have limited time window to get hook up with a game. and those who gets hooked up in EVE gonna be in for life. Its just about using that small window.

Just an idea tho, please dont shoot me.

This idea will limit Alphas to pvp only game. And will hide most of the game beyond Omega wall. You really think that everyone comes to EvE to pvp? I can only say about me and who i met. Most of these people didn’t like PvP until some point. Some never started to like it and leave when it started to be too difficult to evade.

Other than that this will allow many Omegas to stop paying. You wrote it yourself but you do understand that this is lost money for CCP? Everything which player can do without Omega makes him pay less. Ann CCP needs our money.

Many players == many money!

And CCP desperately need their money :rofl:

Ratting in null is main ISK source …

You might be right - and only CCP has the numbers to calculate it, but you need support for your claim.

It’s more likely that CCP have someone who calculates this for them, and that on balance the mix of PLEX and Subscription prices are as close to profit-maximizing as they can get.

Offhand the only other business I can think of with a comparable model is magazines. In that case subscriptions are also cheaper. The only example I have at hand (The Economist) has a similar subscription discount (40-odd percent - close enough given the obvious differences in the product and the delivery process).

It’s not proof, but it’s confirmation of sorts.

I’m inclined to think CCP has an economically rational pricing policy.
As an aside (out of topic for your post): The entirely reasonable assumption that CCP has a profit-effective pricing model is the basis for the statement you quoted: CCP has no practical way to control the PLEX/ISK exchange rate.

  • The assumption is consistent with business theory, economic theory, and aggregate observed behavior.
  • If it holds, manipulation of PLEX prices (for example a change to make it easier for botters to cover their playing costs via ISK) will significantly reduce CCP’s profits and/or increase their business risks

So far, in this entire thread, I haven’t seen a single convincing argument that CCP and EVE are so different that the usual business and economic principles shouldn’t be assumed.

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