Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

Sheep, of course changing alliance size may impact a lot this game, you can’t imagine or maybe you are too afraid of this change, situation is too many poeple farm completly safe bcse almost everbody is in a big block, farming for hours without having so much troubles or any troubles at all, generating a tremendous amount of isk and generating poeple getting like 300b in 3 month about. There is no more common sens, too many null sec are empty but under a big block claim. If you limit alliance size and you push poeple to really fight in null sec space what will happen ?

New alliances will rize, really new witch is impossible right know, they will all fight for territory, no more monopoly of 1 or 2 big alliance, more betrayers, more trustfull alliance , you will increase the game mecanic, poeple will loose more isk and will spend less time to generate isk… More fun. You know, let’s make like serenity, everybody under 1 alliance and spend your game to farm, game over, dead game. Gg…


Dude, poeple needs and want skills to inject, i mean skills needs to come from somewhere, so yeah they contribute to the game. Poeple who buy plex are customers too, without this demand why poeple may buy plex and sell them when they haven another opportunity : subscribe ?

/Edit : poeple seek safety, they join big entity to feel safe, the worst sentence I really deeply hate is : fly safe, my answer is : no, fly dangerous take risks, have fun. Eve is supposed to be an “hardcore” game, full of risks, and risk is rewarding. Not anymore at all. The majority of players don’t play like this anymore.

/Edit 2 : about our topic : the plex price has exploded when ccp had this brilliant idea to allow to inject 3 times without any penalty, poeple rushed on injectors like hell and plex price increased at the same time. Plex and injectors (extractors…) are definitly linked now. If ccp make an intervention like they did on skill injectors / extractors, it is like making an intervention directly on the plex. Poeple who buy plex to sell them to have easy isk deserve to get 1b, we have to find the correct ballance between plex and isk and the situation now is not good at all.

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All this whining about plex prices. If you cant afford to by plex ingame Either just go alpha - Dont play-Spend rl $
Whining wont help. Actions speak louder than words people. But before you all stop buying plex let me cash out my stockpile :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep botting…

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Hahaha. You are so wrong. Imagine alliances would be disbanded ingame tomorrow GSF would take less than an hour to adapt most corps.

By all means, do it and watch the lesser adapted small alliances crumble and fall. Do you even play EVE Online? The only reason I am against your idea is because it specifically targets newer and smaller alliances.

Before alliances existed, corps still worked together, thats WHY they made alliances in fact, just as a way to formalize what was already occuring.
Coalitions operate the exact same way. limiting the maximum number of pilots in an alliance would do absolutely nothing to break up the major powerblocks, because we would just set up multiple alliances, and have them part of the same coalition and it would be like nothing had changed.

hell, just look at NC. and Panfam for a perfect example, they are “technically” two different alliances, but in practice they may as well be the same entity.

Where is the problem then, if everything will be the same there is no problem if CCP reduce coorp size. Lets just do it !

It will completly change the game. If you have an alliance limite of 750 pilotes inside for exemple, only goons will be splet into 60+ alliances. Dude, if you run an alliance as a ceo of an alliance and you become suddenly indipendant, you don’t have to follow the orders or will of 1 guy only. Most of the officers will take seriously their own alliance and then decide with who they will ally. It will be too hard (but still possible) to manage big coalitions but hey, let me laugh a bit now thank you. Running a coalition of what ? 4-5 alliances is not hard at all. The actual alliance is like a mega corp.

Corporations inside big alliances don’t rule at all their corporation really, they are inside an alliance and follow orders. By changing alliance size they will have more to say, will have a bigger importance.

Poeple freak out about this idea because yes, it will definitly change the game as we know it actually : null sec is boring and you are playing a binari game : north vs south, I mean woaw, we are playing eve online right, complexity is a need for us, I don’t see a lot of complexity about politic in null sec right now.

@Bjorn_Tyrson you are not the first one to say that because you got your old habits of old null sec guys playing in the same old goons alliance where nothing change for ages. If you split all the actual alliances into multiple one, it will be first be harder to manage them, the actual alliances are allready a coalition. And once you got the power of an alliance, well, you got the power. Human beeing react in a funny way with power, poeple start to change their mind you know… I am not talking about 1-2-3-4-5 alliances but thousands, witch means a major change for sov. And best part :slight_smile:

Eve is number right ? If each alliance got the same number, you give an equal chance to everybody (ouch… hard idea…) Nobody want anything fair in this game because everybody seek security.

/Edit : what do we have know ? Neverending growing alliances without any limit. What do you prefer ? Now or a radical change for the futur ?

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and this right here proves you have no ■■■■■■■ clue what you are talking about when it comes to sizes of corps or alliances.
I am from a moderate sized corp, and even we have over 220 members. hell even the very smallest corp in test (that isn’t a holding corp, or a special logistics corp) has just over 100 members. so your suggesting that even the very smallest corporations in the game, shouldn’t be allowed to form an alliance of more than 6 or 7 of them? and even a moderately sized corp shouldn’t be allowed more than 2 other similar sized corps in an alliance?
what about corps like brave newbies who have 7922 members, or even eve-uni proably the most new-player friendly corp out there, who has 1242. you saying those corporations should be broken up, and not allowed to have allies at all? or that eve-uni shouldn’t be allowed to have any new players join up, because they are just too big.

even if you did increase your limit to say 5k members, which would leave groups like eve-uni untouched, and would allow small-mid sized corps to actually band together in reasonable numbers. then you run into another “problem” where even large alliances like test are only forced to split into 3 groups, and… well we’ve got the infrastructure to co-ordinate with our coalition and allies pretty well, we would quite easily manage with no real changes.

What you are REALLY asking for, is for ccp to force people to go against the very basis of human nature, which is to form groups and work together for common goals. simply because you aren’t willing to put the work in and form a group of your own that is capable and competent enough of attracting members for yourself.


The majority of organisation by alliances is done out of game. Anyone who follows goon leadership today, will continue to follow it after we nerf alliance/corp sizes. This ‘sudden independence’ wouldn’t happen. They’d go to the same forums and the same Discord…

The irony is that it is the larger alliances, and especially goons, that are even better organised outside of the game than smaller groups who don’t have professional dev teams creating software. You HURT smaller alliances more than big alliances by making in-game management more difficult.


Although it’s possible, what matters are the facts and accounting data.
Speculations are diversion of the facts and can lead to loss of that data.

I was pretty sure, Test and goons are like the same, really, no difference. I use to be the ceo of a small medium corp for about 5 years and i am speaking about 10 poeple max…

My suggestions is this one : an alliance can have max 5 corps inside and corp size should be 125 poep max. they should be also splet yes. Those new players are new for a while, brave and eve uni guys are not fullfill of new players anymore. Once your learning done, well the idea is to moove somewhere else which is not the case…

What i am asking is to give a human face of alliances / corporation and to regulate blobs. We reached a point where it is more than industrial and situation got no sens anymore. I did a fast jump inside test to see what it is to be in a big alliance like this. One guy told me i did like 300b in 3 month and I pray to be ganked bcse i am bored farming with my 2 super. Dude… You are more than safe in those type of alliance.

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That is not a “small-medium corp” that is an absolutely tiny corp, hell I have an alt-corp thats larger than 10 characters.

My point isn’t that larger corps and alliances are safer, of course they are, thats why people tend to join them. But trying to split up those large alliances is not actually going to do anything to break the up, since they will continue to work together exactly the way they did before alliances got introduced to the game, and exactly the way that coalitions work together now.
Sure you may have a couple groups that might fracture off, but the majority will stick together.

the fact that you think a 10 man corp is “medium” sized, shows you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about when it comes to scale.

Because guys dev some outside application make them stronger ? I don’t have your point, and then, I think it will really create new entities. Goons is fullfill with too many poeple, I mean, really too many who doesn’t know each others. What you are talking about is old officers and poeple like this who yes, enjoy to play together and will keep playing together inside a smaller alliance. Definitly and specially goons play on mass over quality (it doesn’t mean there is no good pilote or expert inside goons). And no : smaller alliances will suddenly reach the same max number of big alliances, they won’t suffer, they will have an opportunity. I got too many stories of small alliances trying their luck in null sec and get just whiped by goons or another big entity.

The fact is : now few alliances rule this game, there is no place anymore for new entities and best part, most of the null sec are empty, let’s fullfil them with definitly new alliances. Let’s have diversity… simply, diversity…

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You can’t imagine the number of tiny corp as you say that exist. And see, you are afraid about it because you run too many account in a non sens point. Why you don’t create your own corp / alliance and bring peop inside ?

Again, yes, it will definitly change the cards, if it was not the case you would agree with me. You fear yourself this change. And it won’t stop poeple to collaborate or create projects and be creative, it is the opposit, more poeple will try to reach null sec to create something new.

It is not having no idea mate, it is living in another reallity than yours for years. You form bioballs who can just erase everthing for fun, you have to make 20 jumps + to seek pvp content bcse your safety area is so wide that you spend your time farming. You are over safe and null sec is sterelised

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because i’m already in a corp, there are about 50-60 of us, and we enjoy flying together. we are also more veteran players and enjoy having multiple accounts that can do a variety of different things. so between the 50-60 of us we have over 200 characters in our pvp corp, and about 500 characters in our pve/mining corp. because we enjoy multi-boxing and doing things on a large scale… we also enjoy flying with our friends outside of corp, and we enjoy being able to engage in large alliance scale warfare. but apparently, thats not allowed in your vision. since our one group of people, would already be maxing out the size you suggested for an entire alliance.

In fact, under your suggestion, we COULDN’T bring new people in, because we would be at capacity just with the people we got.

Yes, most of null-sec is empty. because 7 or 8 years back the large alliances ACTUALLY controlled most of the map, and actively farmed it, and everyone said that if the large alliances didn’t need so much space, there would be plenty of room for new alliances, so everything got condensed. well, the large alliances condensed as well. most of us only really use 1 region each now. there is plenty of empty space, and plenty of room… but no new alliances have come to take that space.

well thats not quite true, there are 3294 null-sec systems of those 543 are npc-null. leaving 2745 sov-null system. of those, only 1030 systems are held by the 10 largest alliances. which means that 1745 systems are held by smaller groups. even if we take every alliance of 1000 members and up, thats only 2026 of the sov null systems, which means that there are roughly 700 systems not held by ANY “large” group. or roughly 1/4 of null and yet, you say there isn’t room?

there is plenty of space if new groups want to move out there, but they need to be large enough to actually take and hold space, you and 9 of your friends isn’t gonna cut it. and yet, despite all the changes over the years, made to compress the larger groups into smaller areas of space, to make it easier for small groups to compete for sov (That was the entire point of fozzie sov remember) despite large alliances actually WANTING smaller groups to succeed and more often than not being willing and happy to help them along. despite fully 1/4 of sov null being ripe for the taking for any group bold enough to set up there. the much talked about groups that “just need some room” have never come.

So you mean that 10 alliances got 1/3 almost half of null sec sov, ONLY… only… Why no new alliance succeed to survive ? Why the few who succeded to survive where able to survive ? Bcse they joined a coalition, one of the 2 blocks we actually have.

I say there is plenty of room and your alliance are controlling and not having so much troubles in an entire region… Lulz.

What you say is your 50 friends and you got 15 active account per player, you where not talking about pi, but about pve mining + pvp corp. The average is supposed to be 1.6 per human. You are not a human. And yes, you definitly represent an alliance by yourself. If we bump a lil bit the accounts number at 2 per player and you make pi it represent 6 toons per players/ I mean you can have like 125 poeple inside an alliance. I mean, it is decent. This is only numbers, of course we can talk about the limit number of an alliance but what do we have now mate ? No limit, I mean : No limit.

You know what hurts me the most ? When I see (and i saw it too often) a new bro arriving on the help chan and asking : what is the biggest corp/alliance in the game ? And joining it instantly. I would have an answer like : hey sorry mate, they are allready full but you can join another alliance who is creating and still got place.

Hey… magic isn’t it ? :heart:

So yeah, you are generating too much money and have a too big impact on plex market and you don’t really care about the plex price. You are completly missing the other poeple point of view, specially the newbro’s point of view. / because you are living in your reality for too long. Erase your toons, all of them, create a new one, and start from the beggining.

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At this point, i think, everyone already sees that all your posts are nothing but whine and request for hand holding from CCP. Good job!


Thank you for your constructiv point of view.

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Incorrect assumption