Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

You know…this bubble will burst shortly…

The prices cannot go up forever and when the bubble bursts some will feel betrayed by ccp and ragequit aka loss for ccp…

The only possible solution to this is MARKET CONTROL by ccp,which is not,beside what some very strange people here alreday said “socialism”.
In my eyes it’s inevitable bubble control…

Cut the price by half to take out pressure of the bubble or it will burst…will be good for all if it will NOT…

The alternative would be a burst and MASSIVE losses for then some really angry people aka loss for ccp…

So…maybe some “market socialism” may be not wanted,but is necessary…

Control is power…

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As long as PLEX is used for subscription it wont drop but keep dreaming

Also i should remind you PLEX on Serenity was last I recall 5 bil for a month sub because they had alot of farmers and boters and fewer people buying plex with real cash.

Also a decent portion of those players moved to Tranquility and as far as i’m aware asian games are common to have lots of grinding so more competition for plex bought with isk

Plex on Serenity is now 20 Bil +, not 5 bil

Also, Plex will keep on rising as long as we have more nullblob bot and multiboxer accounts created and used. Check this out, its just from today, you get one of these every few days Reddit - Dive into anything read everything that is there man, then think to yourself jsut how pathetically easy these are actually to catch and then verify using other available data and what CCP could be doing, but isn’t and ask yourself why.

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Because bots cause isk inflation and CCP likes expensive PLEX it becomes more appealing for players looking to get fast boost ingame with less $$

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Read it dude, follow some of those links, really read it, don’t just blindly reply even if you do know the answer, see for yourself and share with others what you find.

I stoped caring a while ago it’s not my job to police the game

I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply by linking that and just saying “read it dude”. Is this another one of those “EVE is dying!” type of things that’s been going on for the last 10+ years?

CCP make this situation by himself. CCP introduced SP trading and SP farms strted to operate, up to 200 chars per farm. That farms earn great amount of ISK which are transfered to PLEX for farm chars subscription. That way great amount of PLEX are whitdrawn from game and PLEX traders will not have “summer low” to buy cheap PLEX for “winter high”.
Also ISK rich player could not buy cheep PLEX this summer and result is high demand for PLEX and as PLEX is only real value currency in EVE market panic and hyperinflation has started.

Till now CCP solve this situations by “PLEX sale” whre they sale PLEX for discounted prices but now PA do not allow CCP to loose money on PLEX sale.

Not quite, most simply wont.
Which actually should mean less people playing, which should push plex proces down again but tbh i dont think it will because the rorq pilots dont just eat rocks.

Who are you to speak no behalf of “most” players?

back at you.

what a strange, ill thought out question.

Fun thing is that I never claimed such a thing. :slight_smile:

Your logic is amazing.

Firstly you assume that people who arent paying real cash would pay real cash if plex goes too high.

Secondly you assume im speaking for most players.

Thirdly you make such a comment to myself but do not deem it a fit question for any others here, including the very person i am replying too.

It would seem that you sir have an agenda, one that is biased and illogical.

Perhaps coffee may help you this morning into taking a more pragmatic approach to problem solving; failing that it may at least provide you some manners.

I assume this because I do this.

You made the claim that “most” would do as you said. I was just curious where you are getting that idea from.

I don’t even know what this is trying to say, lol.

I do have an agenda. It’s mostly to point out that your silly fantasy of people quitting the game because PLEX prices are too high is just that, a fantasy.

People, like you, have been crying about rising PLEX prices since the beginning of EVE. People cried that CCP would intervene at 500m, at 1b, at 1.5b, at 2b, and so on and so forth. At none of those points, did CCP say outright anything to the effect of “for the sake of players grinding ISK through in-game activities, we will manipulate the price of PLEX so that it is lowered.”

You are free to fantasize about things, but making strange claims like the one above, and then also claiming that people will quit (which historically, has also been shown to be incorrect), is just silly. :slight_smile:

You have already proven you are incapable of rational thinking, I’m really not going to read all of that and continue discourse with such an individual. I would simply hate to lower myself to your level, good day.

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Ah, the “I have nothing to say, so I’m going to just insult you” position. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, when you do find the time, please let me know where you are getting this notion from, because the last 10+ years of history say otherwise. I would love to be proven wrong though.

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I couldnt agree more, this dudes a bit of an idiot tbh; doesnt quite realise it but yoour right; has an agenda and doent look at things objectively.

Time for ISD to bulldoze this pile of salt into the other PLEX whine thread.

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Merged duplicate topic

so don’t divulge such information in public forums?

sharing that information makes you sound like an entitled manchild border line fit for r/choosingbeggars.

begging for a hobby/luxury to be cheaper because you don’t have a work.