Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

To look down on poors who think they deserve to be able to plex with little effort

Not really, i’m only implying that even if we ignored sound logic and somehow in your fantasy world plex prices reached a point where nobody at all could purchase plex, the market would quickly recuperate and people would continue buying plex

Why? Sure, we lose a few poors who can no longer afford to plex but that’s no biggie

but you dont play, so its not ‘we’ is it? your not involved at all. just some scrub that couldnt afford to play and got tired of only flying atrons.

implying… if… those are both long words for you; you also seem to appear to be ‘ignoring’ logic almost entirely.

You really dont know how markets work either, or at least how they work in the real world because the product actually needs to be sold.

You appear to have your lights on but i dont think anyone is actually home.

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Huh, i guess if i’m a poor then i speak for the people. I believe that PLEX prices should only increase

Well, how about this:
If you don’t like PLEX prices, don’t buy them? A couple of poors isn’t going to ruin eve

you are special arent you. :slight_smile:

The problem is I think there are far, far more people not causing the problem than are. In fact, according to your definitions you are part of the problem (me too). If you define the problem as “multi-boxing” then many EVE players are the problem. And you’ll be cutting off quite a bit of revenues…for some dubious speculative gain? Nope not seeing it.

And then there is the issue of people who have spent time getting to a point where they are pretty happy with how thing are going. Suddenly you pull the rug out from under the feet of those players and they might decide…meh not worth it anymore and quit.

All based on some speculation that a bunch of players (who probably had a number of alts before they stopped playing) are going to come back?

How do you know?

How do yo know.

Argument by declamation is not very persuasive.

That is not inflation. Seeing one item go up in price is not inflation. That is a price increase. Inflation is when prices overall are increasing…CCP calculates a number of price indices and there is really not much inflation.

I agree :slight_smile:

i thought you might…

No reason not to


For some reason, i feel like you would personally benefit if plex prices were lower, and perhaps that’s why you’re trying so hard to argue that plex prices should in fact be lower?

It is when you declaim something. Example, “EVE is not a free market!”

That is declaiming your views. It is not an argument.

Another example, “Excavator drones are seriously messed up!”

Again, declaiming one’s view but not an actual argument.

An actual argument would be something like, “Excavator drones are seriously messed up! They are letting people mine so much the price of minerals has dropped dramatically.”

Don’t bother, if you keep going he’ll run out of arguments and start attacking you directly in a bid to continue to be able to plex himself every month

You’re american aren’t you?

Its not the way you would use it in English.

Too late. Just mock him at this point.

Nep neps can only say #nopoors i believe, asking him to actually mock people is probably more than he can handle.

but just because…


  1. to protest (against) loudly and publicly

Pretty much most of your posts…

Yeah, i’m a nice individual who doesn’t mock people because i’m not mean :slight_smile:
It’s not my fault you’re poor, but i will look down on you for being poor :slight_smile:

Yeh i really wouldnt use it the way you’re trying too

Perhaps there is some confusion as to what rhetorical means… or the word ‘speech’?

IMO the impact would be much harder for the big PLEX consumers, that are not RL poors who can not subscribe, but isk farmers, SP farmers, botters. Even if big PLEX consumers have a huge amount of PLEX stockpiled most of them would not keep buying-speculating, and later they will be forced to sell or consume less. All this probably would happen fast.