Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

So then my follow up question is this.

How is this relevant to the increasing PLEX prices? Is this just some off topic thing you wanted to talk about? The thread’s main point is that CCP needs to intervene in the current PLEX prices.

This change you are suggesting seems to heavily benefit those who have currently stockpiled a vast amount of PLEX or stores of ISK. By causing such great reduction in ISK faucets, you’re giving all of the players who already have lots of wealth even greater power.

In addition, you’re making it more difficult for a certain group of people, namely those who are complaining that PLEX is too expensive in this very thread, because it’s harder for them to make the funds necessary to purchase 2B isk worth of PLEX each month.

And finally, no matter what you do, it is impossible to entirely stop inflation. Your suggested changes would ultimately, at best, end up just kicking the can down the road as the rate of inflation slows down, but inflation itself continues.

I think they would because I currently do exactly this.

We really don’t have much inflation on Tranquility.

tl;dr, presume non intelligent spam. did not read.


Was, you didn’t look it up therefore remain ignorant.

That is what happens when there is a sale.

Scenario 1:

2 billion ISK costs $20.
With a sale, say 25%, 2 billion ISK costs $15.

Scenario 2

2 billion ISK costs $20.
With a 33.33% increase in PLEX prices in game I can get to 2 billion ISK with 25% less PLEX purchased from CCP. So it is like a sale.

Of course, people have to know about the price increase in game and many may not, so an in game price increase may have less of a response.

It’s up to you to provide the burden proof since you mentioned there already was an argument for it. If you don’t provide anything, then whatever you say is invalid because you lack the proof to support your claim

plex prices oog dont effect accounts logging into game or people creating content.

In some cases sure, a solo pvper or maybe high end womrhole pvp group may benefit from being able to fit out a leshak for $15.

But it doesnt create anything to actually do.

Plex prices ingame effect directly the amount of accounts logging in and doing something, the more plex needed the less likely it wont be just another farm alt.

Kind of obvious reasoning really.

That is correct, but I don’t see this as a possibility. Simply put I don’t see how they can curb one without affecting the other. Also, we truly do have too many alts in the game, some are right down kinda stupid, like required fax alts etc. that we could jsut do entirely without. So at least some collateral damage is percfectly acceptable. Yea, that means your PI alt might now become and double as your Jita alt, or cyno alt etc. which really is minor price to pay and not that big of a deal.

Yea, it is, they can’t keep up. Not even close.

They’re already doing it. The ones that have been trickling in before are already set up and have entire regions already infested. CCP is ignoring it or unable to get to it in any meaningful fashion.

Short term, yes. Long term opposite. once it hits a certain price people will eventually stop buying it and the price will correct itself. the only question is, will there still be enough players left in the game by that time or will it be a full blown Serenity 2.0 ?

I donoe, goin from 1.3-1.4 bil per 500 plex in Jan (or was it december ? I don’t remember exactly but not very long ago) to 2.5 bil of today is kinda bigger jump. Granted that the rate is much slower and we have less jumps. But it is going up. next small jump we’ll get when whatever Triglavian event(s) CCP launches and a lot of people will be activating their PvE accounts for the new content. How small or big of jump remains anyones guess, personally I think it will be small. And the price will keep on rising as PBIC or TAMA as it is here expands and uses up more and more at the same time. So even a small jump has a good chance to cause a much larger disruption.

Burden of proof is in itself. And I told you where and how to find source. In fact I did you a huge favor and was nice and did it twice by providing you a second one. Not my fault you are unable to comprehend that and go verify source.

Unfortunately, i’m not willing to waste my time scrolling through comments for your gain

Um no, when people stop buying plex the price of plex will stop increasing, it won’t decrease. Ultimately though, people will always be buying plex because even though vni ratters won’t be able to plex super ratters still will be able to plex. Poors get weeded out

Well, its ok, I forgive you. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I understand.

Why thank you, but unfortunately you still have not provided any evidence. You’re trying to argue against me with baseless claims.

And there you have a market that is anything but an actual living breathing market. A market where items can sit at the highest prices for years and years without ever even being sold.

Doesnt that sound dynamic and just like a real economy?

So you will be leaving the game?

That’s not going to happen. Even though you might not be able to buy that plex, there’s always someone richer than you who can

I already quit, i just log on occasionally to check how my plex is doing

And if that does happen, 0.01 iskers will drag the price down just enough so that people can afford plex

why are you roaming the forums?

contradicting yourself there

i mean technically yes the prices will drop.


but by then new eden will be down active players.

And ye i guess welcome to serenity 2.0

Shame really but there you go, i’ll just play ED.