Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

Yes, because the general source of isk is much higher than the general isk sink, so the entire economy is inflated, being the PLEX the maximum exponent of the inflation and the speculation.

The price of minerals is entirely and clean a question of offer and demand. does not increase inflation.
The blueloot from sleepers is sold to NPCc, so is affected.
I don’t know much about abyssal, but you can apply the same logic as for mines, I think.

CCP can directly reduce the bounties and the “price” of the items that NPC corps pay, for example, for blueloot or Officer’s Personal Effects.

If CCP want to do it “fair” they can increase the loot from the rats, the loot in the form of faction modules and so.

Your PI is not an issue. My cyno alt is not an issue, my scan alt is not an issue, peoples Jita alts are not an issue, etc. etc… Things like this never have been.

The issues tart at required fax alts, multiboxing / botting VNIs, multiboxing / botting Rorquals, etc. Regular players like you do not break economy, do not mass produce caps which have put many small and mid size corps completely out of the game, and this just for starters.

I specifically said the current paradigm. And it is an excellent example, only it is happening here at much slower rate, really slow. What you brought up, no enforcement vs inadequate enforcement only affects how fast or slow this happens at, just the rate. if the paradigm were to shift then things will become different. Sure, there will be a short term loss due to the shift, but long term gain, also due to the same shift.

Mind you, CCP has 10k new players (according to them) every month, yet with that, they are still bleeding players, while at the same time, accounts per player manages to very slowly keep on rising.

FYI in case you didn’t know, a huge alliance, the very people that brought Serenity to its knees, called PBIC, has just moved to TQ this week officially and set up shop here. They are still moving. Once done things will accelerate a bit. How much, depends on CCP.

Insurance frauding Battleships can generate ISK out of plain minerals. So yes, it actually does contribute to inflation.

You really can’t.

But this does not manage inflation in the way you think it does. Faction modules that are sold merely causes ISK to be exchanged from one person to another. I don’t see how this is going to address the rising PLEX prices.

Cap proliferation, which is one of direct results of the minerals availability, causes many players to log on a lot less or leave the game entirely. This affects the game in many negative ways, inflation included. And this is just one result.

No. It is like barter. With barter you have to want some of what I have and you have to want some of what I have…the dual coincidence of want. In this case, to have a friend help me we both have to be logged in at the same time and we both have to trust each other…that is not a low bar.

Not all costs are monetary in nature. In fact, there is a vast and substantial literature in economics on such costs.

That is an over-simplification, IMO. Sure that can happen. But this is like the debate of a common pool resource. On one side you have the “public/government” on the other “private/markets”. However, in between there is quite alot that most people overlook. Yeah, I have alts, I also have friends too. In this case a mixed strategy is likely best for many people.

Is EVE just anti-social? I am not so sure. You have alliances with hundred or even thousands of players. Meet ups outside of the game. Coalitions. Long term friendships. I recently switched corporations to follow some friends…sure there are anti-social aspects of the game, but it isn’t simply one or the others.

To an extent EVE is what you make of it. You can be anti-social have an army of alts and not interact with other players. I would say that is one end of the spectrum, an extreme. At the other end is the player who doesn’t actually do much in game, but uses it for social interactions. In between is probably where most players sit. What does that distribution look like? Probably clumped mostly in the middle, IMO. I also seem to recall CCP Quant did a presentation on this at a fan fest that suggested this.

Which is costly. Building trust is hard and not even something people can easily articulate. How do you build trust with people? It isn’t something you can write down like a banana bread recipe. :slight_smile:

This whole thread is a bunch of poors whining about plex prices, why can’t the non-poors also get a thread whining about how plex prices aren’t high enough?

Then the insurance should not be higher than the market price of the minerals used for the construction of the insured ship.

I know, only a candy for the pain of the isk printing nerf.

The idea is to reduce the direct sources of isk from NPC to players, in any form it can be done.

That should be the first step to mitigate the inflation, is not the answer for all the problems.

All we know the answer for all the questions is 42 :smiley:

Why do we need to manage inflation? Is there a benefit for all players? Sure, some poors might be better off but lots of people who invested in plex wouldn’t be too happy

See Serenity. All answers self explanatory.

What’s wrong with it? There’s high plex prices, so what? Poors are worse off, but that’s just the way the market is. Why should we cater the market towards a specific demographic?

Question already answered. Alternatively, contact PBIC currently residing on TQ that just moved from Serenity. They will happily answer your question with detailed explanations of every aspect of whats wrong with Serenity.

The market is not an entity fallen from the sky, the market is how we do it.

No it wasn’t

Yes, and right now our current market is how we do it. People are asking for CCP to change it, which is pretty stupid because you just said it’s how WE do it, not how CCP changes it

But when I do PI I am multi-boxing. When I do invention I am multi-boxoing. When you and I use cyno alts we are multi-boxing.

Alts are good…and bad. Yeah, a Jita alt sitting in station all day with you (or me) not paying much attention to the account is boring for most players.

I don’t think anyone is in favor of botting and the possible RMT it brings with it, but one of my principles is don’t punish players not causing a problem?

Then will we get there?

Is it inadequate? I don’t know. I see quite a few people who complain that it isn’t, but I also know that the guys working on that are particularly tight lipped even for CCP.

And if they try their old strategies they might be in for a rude awakening. I’m guessing CCP maybe keeping a close eye on them. I sure would. Plus, these players most likely know that the old botting/RMT won’t work nearly as well here. So yeah it could cause some issues, but I’m not about to panic about it.

When I say WE I mean the players and CCP.

And why must CCP change the market? Why would lower PLEX prices help CCP? Higher plex prices forces people who can no longer plex to subscribe instead. For CCP, it’s more beneficial to keep increasing plex prices

If you seriously want to change the PLEX market, do it yourself. Go buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of plex, and sell it all. You’ll get a ton of isk, and bring down plex prices substantially

Do you really think most of the players are going to spend more RM in the game because ingame PLEX price is higher?

Well, either that or they quit. Either way, they weren’t paying before and either they end up still not paying or they do end up paying. I don’t really see how they can pay less than 0