Private sale - 202 M sp

Wallet balance positive
No kill rights
2 remaps avalaible (current percep / willpower)
Multiple jump clones, one with full improved implants, one with full set of hygh grade crystal (incl. omega)
Character location in Jita

Agreed price 280B as discussed in Eve Mail

Logging in to make payment please check balance and also going to send mail with account details

Isk and account details received let me do the transfer I’ll post proof here when done

Sorry for the wait I had this
" 500 ERROR ## # A timeout occurred"

error up until a few minutes ago.

Character transfer is in process!

please hide the account details :laughing:

char trans

Sorry for that post was tagged for mod deletion

Not had confirmation that the transfer has started yet, so please leave 10 hours before you spend any of that ISK lol

Usually states that there is a character transfer in progress on the account page, at the moment its not showing (sometimes it takes up to 10 hours)

you also get an email as well, but I’ve also not received that yet

Havent received the mail either, except for the billing confirmation
The character is marked in process on my account management toward the account your provided in eve mail so I guess it’ll update soon for you and I =)

Can you please confirm good reception of the character ? :slightly_smiling_face:

if you are still able to login to the char your trying to transfer and billing succeeded I would open a ccp ticket

@Gul_Barat I can’t, the character is already gone from my character selection screen.
Logging in on the forum using another computer doesnt allow me to select Spiritu Sancto, but for some reason on this pc (the one I posted the thread with on friday) I’m still logged in with Spiritu Sancto
No idea if this is normal or not

Edit: weird, ingame the character is already transferred and appearance changed, I guess me being able to talk with “old” Spiritu sancto here is a bug

its gone after 10h not instantly, so ccp will solve the problem

i got him, its all good ^^


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