Project Discovery pacifier blueprint

well ripped spent hours for what is advertised as a original blueprint to find out it’s not, false advertising what a con how many other players are gonna be in same boat should be ashamed.

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Although I agree that if it would really be an original bp, it would be worthless by now, but at the same time its still a false advertising. Not good, not good.

Jesus, did anyone actually expect a BPO out of this? A T2 faction BPO?

This isn’t false advertising. When a car dealership advertises a new model for $35 when they meant $35k it’s not false advertising either. It’s an error, and an error that’s ridiculously easy to spot by the consumer at that. If you had false expectations in this particular case then it’s entirely on you.

False advertising, at least in the good old land of Trump, requires intent. Here’s 15 USC 54. I’m not entirely qualified to read EU regulations, but it sure looks like intent is important there too. As far as I can tell, there’s absolutely not basis for establishing misleading intent, plenty of reason to assume that reasonable consumers would have been able to discern the true nature of the offer based on previous experience.

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i beg to differ, if it was that obvious why then are player still complaining, when you click on it and it states that its a blueprint original and you get a copy that’s false advertising nothing to do with intent its describing something its not.

was reading through the posts and apparently ccp new about it and never did anything so is that not intent??

Presumably because they failed to actually stop and consider whether, under any circumstances, it would be reasonable to hand out a T2 faction BPO.

Nah. At worst that’s negligence. Intent is a much higher bar. You would have to show that CCP went out of their way to advertise a false product in order to influence consumer behavior (in this case, making people spot exoplanets). Intent means what it says on the box.

The whole thing goes back to the question of the car dealership. Did you actually believe you would get the $35k car for $35? Then, seriously, that’s a consumer oops. It’s not reasonable; neither is handing out a T2 faction BPO for everyone for free.

Wait, what? It is a one run BPC ?? WFT. Find those planets yourself CCP!

Let me just say that regardless of if there is any intent on the part of CCP, or any technical error. There is an implied understanding made between CCP and the player. This understanding of the value preposition is, that significant time would be spent in analyzing planet data in return for a BPO.

In good faith players expended this time and now CCP are breaking there part of the value proposition by not delivering on the expectation. This can easily be shown by surveying players on who would still have expended the time if the value proposition was a BPC.

CCP should understand the significance of ensuring the user community have faith in any value proposition CCP put forward in the game if they want to continue creating these types of activities and have players commit their time.

Regardless of the right or wrong of the situation the value proposition is not what was expected by participating players and CCP would be well advised to readdress this for these players.

In the end it is the putting right that counts to ensure faith in CCP’s word.

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I seldom if ever post on the Forums.
I started the Exoplanet because when I clicked on the Icon it says BPO.
But I just spend hours going through the Exoplanet Hunter to find out the Pacifier is a 1 Run BPC.
If CCP knowingly did this then THIS IS a SCAM.

If I had known the truth I would not have been doing it.
And now I will no longer continue with the Exoplanet Hunter.

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Just it level 50 in PD myself then got the very unwelcome surprise that it’s a 1 run BPC instead the advertised BPO… All I have to say is, Was it worth it CCP? Because they just ensured they never get another dime from me. When my omega time runs out, if I can’t afford to plex with isk, i’ll just have to find some other space game to spend my time and money on instead.

You guys… The whole point of planet discovery is to actually help science and all you can think about is crying because the BP you get is one run ?

And I mean c’mon are you stupid enough to think CCP wouldve give you a T2 faction BPO for grinding on project discovery ?

Yelling at CCP about this just proves once again that a gaming community is never happy. That’s some lack of respect for the game devs and for the scientists involved.


Seriously, even if the initial problem was related to old code surely they would have managed to create a workaround so it displays correctly by now. Also if they know such issues exist with an old system one would expect QA to know that by now and look really careful.

Also also, old code is not bad because it is old but most of the time because the people who wrote it wrote bad code. A lot of the code running on any system today is older than 15 years. So instead of always referring to “old code” or “legacy code” people should actually acknowledge the real issue, namely that they really sucked at programming back then.

If you look at the history of Eve there haven’t been many places where this has really been a problem.

You’re also assuming that a viable workaround that is worth the time and effort expended to create it even exists, which is far from a given.

In my experience, and I work at a place that still has code written when I was like 8, old code isn’t so much bad as written with a different set of expectations and assumptions from the current realities being faced by the game and/or organization currently trying to convince it that the year 2000 wasn’t the apocalypse (for example).

CCP’s item management system is a pretty fantastic example of this. For what it is and what it needed to do when built it’s not bad, but it’s inflexible in ways that CCP never thought would be a problem, like how it handles blueprint originals vs copies.

Some probably think so. Never mind the whole T2- and faction-bpo-mess…
As I wrote: It is good, to see, CCP learns sometimes from mistakes.

Of course there is a workaround. It is a simple UI, you can always at least mock it. And if they can’t even do that then maybe they should not work as a programmer.

This is clearly irritating a lot of their customers and should be addressed.

this is a fairly new bug , and includes one-run ship blueprints in the LP stores … ;p

This is annoying a few people, and hard-coding things like this isn’t really good practice either. It’s “oh lets just hard code that” that turns into “oh crap, this isn’t flexible” 5 or 10 years down the line…

Pretty sure this is a really really old bug, you sure about that?

Hindsight is 20/20, sure its easy to look back now and say “maybe we shouldn’t have coded things this way” but with the lack of coding experience they had when they first started working on the game, its unlikely that a lot of the issues we are running into now where even something they considered.

some issues are easier to fix than others, and frankly, something like this is a minor inconvenience, they issued a notice saying “hey, this is something we know about, its not a bpo.” its hardly a game breaking bug, and if the player can’t figure out that there is something weird about a bpo being given as a low-tier reward while nerd glasses are a high tier then thats on them.

but clearly, they should drop everything else just to fix this minor inconvenience. heaven forbid a little bit of critical thinking and a quick forum search should be enough to answer questions.

Seriously? Are you coding like this? You don’t fix bugs which annoy the user because of excuses about the shitty backend?

Kinda depends on the bug, the system it’s in, and the impact of said bug and any potential fixes.

There are absolutely things in code I work with on a daily basis that are marked “will not fix” either because whatever problem there is isn’t as big of a time sink as the fix would be, there isn’t a good fix available to whatever the problem is, or the problem in question just isn’t a priority right now.

Welcome to the lovely realities of software development, everything you have ever used on a computer has at least one of these.

It is misleading yes. But false advertising not really. And it is knew not new.

But even with that, it is a ship worth millions of isk, and the BP itself is worth nearly a billion by itself.