6 High Slots, 1 Interdiction Sphere Laucher, 4 guns, 1 utility (cloak/probe/vamp/etc)
4 gun slots; increase DPS to match a Catalyst with eight turrets.
Add One mid slot
From CSM 14 minutes:
Some fun balance team wants to look at is:
• Make other dictors more viable
All of the interdictors have a similar bonus structure. If you want to rebalance the Eris I believe you would have to redo the bonuses for the whole class of ship.
Seeing that the Heretic has 4% armor resist per level, I don’t think 10% armor rep per level would be out of the question.
Sabre/Flycatcher are fast shield dictors.
Have the armor dictors for slow moving armor fleets, instead of bringing a hic. Right now the Heretic does well in armor fleets when brick fit and is less expensive than a HIC.
Eris only has one advantage: It’s cheaper since it’s not used. It’s the fastest when fit right (hyperspatial rigs for quick warp and 3 nanofibers)