[Proposal]Remove Set safety to red in highsec

You didn’t disagree , you just had a stupid idea , posted it just for the sake of posting.

Language. Go take it home to your mom and dad.

How about instead of calling people delusional when they point out that you’re basing your argument on incorrect assertions, you provide data justifying your assertions.

Compare the data for those systems from like 2010 up to 2020 and see what am I talking about.

You are making the assertion that ganking is more common. YOU have to provide the data to justify the assertion.


Dude, seriously, stop following me around and posting your bull at me. If you don’t like what I post, block me. Stalking me to post off-topic attacks is going to get you in trouble.


This is a public forum, people can post where they damn-well like. Your idea is rubbish btw.

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Here we go - “my argument is rubbish, so I’ll have to resort to personal attacks !” - says more about you than the person you’re attacking…

Look at what nonsense that person posted before replying in here … he posted just to troll.

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It still doesn’t hold up.

Prior to 2013, we had Battleclinic as the main killboard and zkillboard only records official killmails (no manually posted killmails from back in the earlier years), but the data just doesn’t support what you are claiming.

This is easy to show, so since your still being a lazy ass, I’ll go doc it so you can see that you just aren’t correct (by a long way).

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You seem to be focused on just a single aspect of the problem: frequency . It has increased , it’s not what it used to be in 2013 . The other problem we have right now is also people suicide gank for no profit at all , does not matter the ship , it can be a Venture, t1 empty hauler, t1 cruiser , t2 fitted AF, etc. This was something rarely seen in the past… and more more and more groups are doing it , not just CODE. , but also nullsec alliances too and I can get into details to why is this happening , but that’s not the topic here.
Now , you’ll probably going to tell me that Ventures don’t get ganked and nullsec alliances don’t do suicide ganking …
Like I already stated, I have no problem if a player that had 5 bil ISK assets in his t1 Tayra got ganked. He deserved it ! But, a t1 empty hauler or with just 10 mil ISK in it as assets… that’s just stupid…

You are shifting goalposts in your argument. First it was that players couldn’t avoid ganking (which you yourself disproved). Then it was that ganking is increasing around specific locations (which has been disproved by zkillboard data). Now it is that suicide ganking was rare before and is common now, and that the suicide ganks used to be for profit but aren’t now (which I can personally attest to being untrue - my main was on the receiving end of unprofitable suicide ganks all the way back to 2008/2009 and was hardly alone in that - it was a learning experience and I adapted).

Suicide ganking is not always about looting the wreck. It is also about denial of resources to an enemy (CODE, for example, considers anyone who hasn’t paid their fee to be an enemy, which is valid gameplay), disrupting enemy supply lines, and controlling space. High Sec is just as subject to player efforts to control resources as Low or Null - as it should be.


These are claims you made, that:

I didn’t write this. You did. Either support your claims, which you have used as the basis for the thread, or don’t. But I’ll happily refute them because you are just wrong.

And, if you are going to claim that this is somehow ganking for profit v ganking for fun, how are you even justifiying saying from 2010 to 2020 the latter has increased out of control and we should:

The numbers don’t stack up by a long way. Ganking is way down across the board (not by a small amount, by large differences), but since you won’t actually back up your claims, I’ll go grab the information and we can all see whether what you are claiming is true or not.


The majority of highsec players can’t ! Be honest about it… Most of them haven’t even got out of highsec and don’t even know about D-scan , or how standings work , or to scout ahead… And that’s because they never faced danger before and the problem for them is they don’t get this information when they start the game . Most just tell them simply not to fly what they can’t afford to lose , but not how to actually avoid getting ganked and the solution for them to learn this shouldn’t be to get suicide ganked.
Also , I haven’t stated that suicide ganking was rare in the past , I said it was rare when made for no profit at all.

But… the red button is only used in highsec. The red button was created for high sec, intentionally.

Well that’s pointless. The purpose of that button is to set or remove your own safeties so that you can get blown up by Concord if you accidentally make the wrong move. It’s there to protect newbies who may attempt to shoot something they shouldn’t, and incur the wrath of Concord.

I’ve seen so many newbies (and some veterans unaware of the strange high sec rules) in my fleets in high sec who accidentally pulled Concord ‘because they always fly with the button red’. There is no point in setting the button to red unless you want to suicide gank, as you don’t need the button at all anywhere but high sec.

While this is now a bit different now that you need to set the button to at least yellow to take filaments, my point still stands:

Red button is a high sec safety button that protects newbies from getting blown up by Concord.

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But this is not the case here. Suicide ganking is not an “accidental move”.
As for newbie safety , that’s why they have it set to green , so they don’t make accidental moves…

Well a newbie may try to shoot one ship, then shoot at another. Shoot some structure with friends and suddenly you’re Concorded because your corporation isn’t at war with the target, unlike the corporation of your friends. I’ve seen this happen so often and keep telling people to keep their safeties to green or at least yellow for their own protection in high sec.

The safety button keeps people from accidentally getting killed by Concord and should stay as it is. It works fine, as long as people use it correctly, i.e. only put it to red if you want to do something to get Concordokken in high sec space.

It works fine , until people decide to use for suicide ganking . That’s why the option to set safety to red in highsec should be removed.

Hey, you could be pro-active here and be the one who goes around high-sec educating players on those mitigations you mentioned earlier!

I guarantee you that it will be more productive than this proposal.

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It will not be as productive as just simply removing the ability to suicide gank in highsec .
I have thought about it … To make a guide on youtube and mail the link to new players in rookie systems, maybe one day I will do so , it’s going to take some time , as I have a full time job…