[Proposal]Remove Set safety to red in highsec

It will be infinitely more productive!

You only need to educate 1 player and you’ll have saved more people than your proposal ever will. Because let’s face it, your proposal isn’t ever going to be implemented.

Implement the change yourself - go forth and educate!

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Implemented or not, there is a real risk that suicide ganking could spiral out of control in the upcoming future .

Unless somebody who sees it coming gets out there in-game and warns everyone…

(That’s you Tudor! Stop fannying about on the forum and get to it!)

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What about setting the safety to red outside high sec, and then entering high sec, should that be allowed? :smiley:

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This is what is known as a ‘slippery slope’ fallacy. there is zero evidence to support that maintaining the current state will lead to a degradation in the future state. In fact, there is ample evidence to support that any given target is unlikely to unwittingly suffer multiple suicide ganks - that is, players learn from experience and adapt to the attacks, leading to them not being a viable future gank target. Those who do not adapt and keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result, are willfully setting themselves up for failure and it is nobody’s job to protect them from their own choices in a video game. CCP’s own analysis also show that ship losses to suicide ganking do not have a significant correlation to players quitting EVE.

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Have you considered that maybe Eve Online isn’t a game for you? Yes, I’m serious. No game is going to cater to every player, that’s just a fact.

My wife plays Eve Online (by the way, she didn’t whined like this when she got ganked), Civ, Diablo… all games I play as well. However, she’s never going to play an FPS or sports game because those games don’t interest her.

I’m not a huge fan of realistic shooter games. I enjoy Mass Effect, Destiny, and Fallout. But you won’t see me on the CoD forums asking for them to add space magic to their game. Why? Because that’s not what that game is about.

Eve Online is over 15 years old. Ganking has been a part of its mechanics the entire time. And honestly, they’ve made it harder that it used to be for the most part. The recent resist nerf is one of the few patches that made ganking easier. Most of the time, its been made harder… but CCP has never shown any attempt to remove it from the game. Much like scamming players, it is part of Eve’s core. And there are players who play because of that playtime being available.

There are a lot of things you can do to avoid being ganked. I’m not going to go through the list again because I’m seriously tired of going over it again and again.

The major point is: ganking is part of Eve Online. If its something you cannot handle as part of your gaming experience, maybe Eve isn’t a game for you. Its not personal, it’s just how it is.

Also, you’re pretty arrogant if you think you are above the scrutiny of other players and deserving of the CSM’s immediate attention. And the CSM can’t really do anything for you, except maybe bring your proposal to CCP. But I’m going to let you in on something: almost all of them are members of big power blocs or are small gang PvPers. Considering every power bloc has a group (officially or unofficially) that ganks and that small gang PvPers generally don’t have a problem with gankers, you’re not going to get a lot of sympathy… especially with the arrogant attitude.

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If you are swtiching your safety in these areas of space in null and j-space to anything you don’t know how the safety works.

Tell me how did they made it harder , when now an alpha character can train for t2 guns for a Catalyst and can use a meta fitted Tornado ?!? An alpha character with a t2 fitted Catalyst can put up to ~700 DPS with heated guns … that is insane.

As for the CSM part , I’m not here to beg . I know who they are, and I know probably some of them simply just don’t care , but it’s better than just doing nothing at all about it.

No, it should be automatically changed back to green.

I know it really doesn’t matter in there , doh … You’re missing the point of this discussion and posting just because you don’t have anything better to do …

And what did you expected there ? To actually give us the truth , if there were players that have actually quit due to their game mechanics ? I highly doubt it !

I’m not going through 15 plus years of nerfs.

Not really. Just learn to tank your ships. Learn the cloak+MWD trick. There are so many ways to avoid getting ganked.

Yes, CCP is lying about player retention works. They want to destroy their own game and kill their profitable game…

Again, maybe Eve isn’t the game for you. I’m glad my wife isn’t like you. She actually learned how to avoid getting ganked and how to survive them. Damn, you’re sad.

Another one that doesn’t even bother to read the entire discussion before posting and that wants to teach me how to avoid getting ganked , because I as a 2008 player surrely don’t know how…
Also you mentioned your wife twice while posting . We don’t care about you and your wife , we are not here to discuss you and your wife . Go have a happy life together :slight_smile:

Have a good day !

aaand there it is

btw OP - New EvE Players =/= children! Stop treating them like babies, they are gamers

This psychological dumpster-fire of a thread seems like a good opportunity to post one of my favourite memes (lovingly crafted by the ever-so-gentle Pix Severus):


Funny enough . But, **there are a lot of people that play this game and do just market trading , industry , PI, etc. Sure, there’s PvP there also , not in the form of combat , but there is . In the end, yes it’s a sandbox and everyone makes whatever he likes to make out of it, but not necessarily combat PvP.

While CCP can help regulate PvP action in HS through adjusting things like CONCORD reaction times, bumping mechanics, WDs, FacPo responses, and other game play mechanics through “dial changes” in the coding, not once has either CCP or the CSM put any serious thought into entertaining the idea of HS turning PvP free.

EVE PvP is essential to both the idea and development originally invisioned by CCP. Almost everyone is onboard with the concept, we just all argue on how much (or how easy) it should be.

Just, no.

Some A-type modules are worth less than a M each. Stop claiming BS like “it’s bling” when 80% of the value of the ship is in the hull.

I would still like to have a look at OP numbers though. Looks like they are random “I think therefore they are”.

I would have nothing against adjusting Concord response time based on standings for example or something else. But I would not be the first one to advocate such thing , this idea has been already proposed I think , I might be wrong , but certainly someone has proposed this already . Given the fact the response times for Concord are the same , I guess it wasn’t taken into consideration.





Well , if we think like this … then probably we should ask CCP to turn highsec into lowsec (basically remove Concord). I’m not sure how many new gamers would stick around though.