Hey there o/
Interested in taking advantage of extremely lucrative space for PvE, as well as plenty of opportunites for corp and alliance PvP? We’re the corp for you!
Currently we offer:
- Boosted Mining Ops in both High-Sec, Low-Sec and Null-Sec
- High yield refining
- Ore BuyBack Program
- Regular Mission Running fleets (with salvage available to NewBros and Alphas to help with the Isk flow
- Help with fits
- Tips for running missions/sites
- Fleet ops and PvP training ops
- Lots of Industrial Infrastructure in our home space
- Moon Mining
- Vast amounts of ratting, ore and ice anoms
- Regular Alliance small gang and fleet PvP
- Home defence fleets
- Corp standing fleet in home systems
- WH PvP roams
- Corp and Alliance SRP
- We are the dedicated Industrial corp for our alliance, which currently contains a dedicated PvP Corp (Epic Psychosis) and ourselves. We have plans to expand throughout Solitude and make ourselves an economical powerhouse in the area.
We are based all around the world but the current leadership are based in the AU timezone, so theres plenty of room to move up the corporate ladder.
Please join our recruitment channel PSYIP Recruitment in game, Eve-Mail Breuk Bjarteson, or join our discord @ Psychotic Confederacy if you have any questions
Hope to see you around, fly safe o/