Interested in taking advantage of extremely lucrative space for PvE, as well as plenty of opportunities for corp and alliance PvP? We’re the corp for you!
Epic Psychosis is located and operated out of Solitude.
Newbro friendly. Our main focus is PVP but we also have an Indy corp that is focused on Mining & Industry.
We are steadily growing alliance, looking to expand and have fun. We’re across multiple time zones.
What we offer:
- Regular Alliance small gang and fleet PvP
- Home defence fleets
- Corp standing fleet in home systems
- WH PvP roams
- Corp and Alliance SRP
- Friendly, Respectful & Active Pilots. ( Life comes first )
- Industry of all skill levels
- Miners of all skill levels are welcomed
- All time zones welcomed.
- No SP requirement.
- Discord is our primary means of communicating ( required for all fleets and or ops )
Join “Epic Psychosis Recruitment” Channel and have a chat with us o7
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