Punitive Justice is Recruiting! Null sec PvP for experienced pilots!

Punitive Justice [-PUS-] are a dedicated PvP corp that we are building from the ground up. We have a lot of content to offer from small gang roams to coalition war events, we can cater to your need to blow up some space junk!

Whether you are an experienced veteran looking for a new group to fly with, or are an up and coming mercenary looking for the hottest action in Null, we can keep you happy.

We also strongly encourage a “Real Life First” Ethos, meaning that we don’t demand participation, and hope that our content and friendly community will keep you wanting to fly out with us on a daily basis.

Primarily EU/NA based content, but there is action all around the clock.

We offer:

  • Daily fleet content- from Small Gang and Blops to Coalition war events
  • Fleet SRP
  • Optional and Generous Alliance Level Buyback Program
  • Sov space for all ISK making careers
  • Real-Life-First Ethos
  • Progression paths for all roles
  • Freight/Logistics division
  • Access to seeded markets and Null Trade hubs

Our Requirements:

  • Desire for PvP action
  • Positive attitude
  • Seat Check
  • Desire to take every fight, especially against the odds!

Contact Saya Ekul or Jasmine Amelana in game, or join our public channel via our corp ad to see if we are the right fit for you!

We are still recruiting, get in touch today!

Recruitment is still open, get in touch today if you want to help build a new force to be reckoned with!

We are still recruiting :slight_smile:

Recruitment is ongoing, send a message to see if you fit :smiley:

Message us in game if you’re interested :slight_smile:

Recruitment still ongoing :slight_smile:

Recruitment ongoing, send a mail in game today :smiley:

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