Question about Hardwiring Zainou Sharpshooter plugin

The description for ZMX11… is a little confusing it states:

“A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles. 4% bonus to XL torpedo damage.”

But torpedos are not missiles, so is this plugin only intended for use with XL torpedos or for all missiles in general and includes XL torpedos?

For all intents and purposes, torpedoes are missiles, as are rockets. For example, the bonus from a Ballistic Control applies to all missiles, as well as rockets and torpedoes, even though the module description says “Missile Damage Bonus”.

Easiest way to test it out is to fire up Pyfa and fit a ship with that implant, and various launcher types.


XL torpedos only


Indeed, most implants are missile-type specific.

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