Rapidly declining players

some whale paid for his sub at a premium
is not that hard to get it
for example @Altara_Zemara that amazing person pay for mine

So you are her alt. Has she given you permission to speak?

she get a lil pissed because she has to pay my subscription but deep down i think she likes to have me around

just ask yourself
CCP make more money

  1. only subscription model
  2. subscription + plex model

be realistic

to make it easy lets suppose 20k subscribers
20k x 20 dollars = 400k dollars x 12 months =4,8 million a year


So, I’ve been mulling over the graph in EVE Offline website, which uses PCU. A few things before I head to work: EVE does not always experience a summer slump. In fact, during the height of EVE Online’s PCU (2010-2014), there are periods where there is a summer surge. At other times, the slump encompasses summer and autumn. Sometimes, the graph is flat for the year. And a few years the slump occurs around January. One thing is perfectly clear from the graph, just by eyeballing it:

PCU is trending down since about 2014, and rather sharply the past 2 years. Anyone arguing otherwise on the basis of “misleading graphs” is being disingenuous at best. When there has been a summer slump, it has slumped lower and recovered less, year after year. We can argue about PCU vs ACU (which is also trending downwards, obviously), and length of play sessions and alpha vs omega vs skin sales and a host of other variables, but at the end of the day: is the game really sustainable if people aren’t logged in, right now, playing and interacting? How long will people who barely login or only play for short periods stay subbed? EVE is based on player interactions. At a certain point there won’t be enough players for there to be enough interactions to sustain interest.

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The proposal is to establish a meaningful state of war.

The current system allows you to be killed at any time by the criminal element. The regions between the empires [and null sec] would have border crossings where you need a visa to activate the gate, war ships would not be allowed. As in any war you can remain neutral or a CO but you still live within an empires space. [null secs would be neutral but would require a border pass to enter empire space.]
Incursions into enemy territory could be a development along the lines of a cyno beacon.

For us industrialists the faction navies don’t have ships created out of thin air. They offer contracts for the ships they need, supply the BPC and materials with 5% extra materials [yours to keep as part payment] plus 3 times the 1 run production costs, they deliver mats to your home station, and pick up from there. [could also work for weapons, ammo and mods]. only 1 contract at a time with a daily limit, failure to complete has consequences and blacklisted from future contracts for a set time.

This and similar ideas are to make whole system dynamic. Empires would have population and tax bases that are dynamic new conquests add, battle loses subtract. An empire could not be destroyed, when a collapse is imminent the empire becomes a horde { oh look here’s a new constellation right next door, let’s go there] With the war ending for a time giving a chance to rebuild.

Perhaps we could add faction hits (Empire and NPC Corps} for ganking. Lets get these skilled and brave fighters into the war.

Off to the Dr. will check in when I return home .

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Wow, that’s subjective.

What does, “done right” mean? What does that look like?

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Whatever way benefits them best and those they dont like least.

I’m not that much into PvE anyway…it does get old fast. As far as the rest of Eve is concerned…we are the content. Eve can be as boring or exciting as people choose it to be. If it is stagnant it’s because of all the players and groups sitting on vast wealth who have become stuck in the status quo. I tend to agree with MacGybo’s latest assessment that it all needs a bit of a shake up.

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You know what I think would be interesting?

A complete reboot of null sec.

Complete erasure of all assets in null. Players are randomly sent to stations in high sec and let them all fight for territory once again.


I rather think the reverse is true. Large collectives generally favour stability in order to plan successfully. Forming order out of apparent chaos takes preparation, resources and time.


I agree with MacGybo’s idea that rats in nullsec should be stronger and more proactive. People sitting far from the front lines should still have to fight every day for their piece of space.

But then how am I going to bot to be able to make rent every month?

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This is what eve was Like , It was more like real life, not some controlled meat grinder, there was variety, and fun .

Never paid a penny for null sec, (Rented) because im good at what i do , I Never used isk for game time, I have paid cash for my 2 accounts year on year since 2003. Have you. Remember CCP MOTO “GREED IS GOOD !” and there living up to that, And thats why there player base is nearly gone. The Fact is Bitcoin is more financially viable than CCP and Bitcoin is in free fall . And still looking better than CCP . lol.

Maybe start creating contet where you dont lose your ships? Imagine if players in WOW were losing their gear each time they die in dungeon or raid…

Make content that unlocks skills, people dont want to wait 120 days for their skills to train.

I you want that then maybe you’re playing the wrong game.

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Imagine playing a game where the rules are different and theres risk.


Maybe thats why EVE players are leaving. There is not enough such people like you to keep game alive.

There are. It’s just been inflated by grind bears crying for pve content, running their 7 accounts messing up the economy. Lets call it a reset.

People can, it’s called Albion Online, and it has a healthy player count.

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