Rapidly declining players

Yes, supported the game by paying for all my subs with real life cash, just like I have spent thousands of pounds to support the development of Star citizen and other games.

Bro you’re still here?

I guess CCP basically owns you at this point. Considering you’re spending real life time posting on their forum and complaining :smiley:

Well, you’re helping them by engaging in the forum :smiley:

WoW would be so much better if you did loose all your stuff from dying. It would give it a sense danger.

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and less players

Citation needed.

You have proof to back that claim up?

Football has more players than EvE but that doesnt make it objectively better.

What do you think EVE’s unique selling point is?


died of old age before hearing back from them…

She is them ?

Yeah bro people should totally say what i want and agree with and like, read a book man, but a book that i like and agree with.

What, you thnik EVE is even close to WOW in numbers? XD

The reason Eve loses players is because they keep trying to appease players like you. This isn’t the game for you. You don’t need to be here. Go play No Mans Sky.

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Let’s review the argument shall we…

Here, you made the claim that if there was loot loss from player death there would be less players. I want to see the numbers that back up your claim so I said:

And you return with:

I have no idea what the numbers are. Why are you putting words in my mouth. I really could care less what their numbers are now I want to know what the numbers are when they implemented a loot loss. To which you said “there would be less players.”

It’s not that hard.
X number of players before loot loss
Minus players lost from loot loss
= players retained.

I want the “players retained” number and see if that validated your “less players” claim.

Or did you pull that claim out of your ass with nothing to back it up.

Also, if you love WoW so much, why aren’t you playing that?

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Cope. We’re at 2006 levels of player engagement, whataboutism over a graph won’t change that.

…shirley you must have known how the cash vs plex for gametime thing works out after playing Eve all that time…you’re just messing with folks…right?

Are you joking also?

Yennoe, you said you were leaving the forums.

I guess CCP does own you huh :smiley:

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They threaten on the forums the same way they threaten in game.

Empty and full of broken expectations.

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That pretty much sums up gankers as a whole, thanks.

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This is actually what would make WOW fun and playable…