Rapidly declining players

Glad to be of service.

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People who are talking about “losing gear” in WoW have obviously never played the game before. The entire gameplay loop around acquiring gear in WoW works completely differently from EVE. It can take upwards of months to acquire a single slot upgrade. You can’t just go on the market and buy a set of gear in exchange for an amount of work that equals to an hour or two of game time, like you can in EVE.

Anyone who makes such a ridiculous comparison is an absolute idiot, and should be ashamed of themselves.


you take a month to get a BIS gear and they power creep it on the next week


I miss WoW but alas permanently banned for griefing LFR nonstop. Sigh, these game companies sure do ruin the fun.


I’m sorry, I don’t understand what it is you are referencing. I have never implied people have to agree with me, only that it is inappropriate when others imply that my positions aren’t theirs, and therefore are not valid.

Unless you were in my naval unit, please don’t call me ‘bro’.

Before WOW [2004] was Everquest [1999]. Early EQ was brutal. You died, re-spawned naked, had to equip new gear, [from your bank if you had any there] then do a corpse run to recover you corpse, sometimes you needed a necro to help, and then a random piece of gear disappeared.

Those were the days. :wink:


Eve has become so negative. Toxic players make good players not want to log in. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

I’ll give anyone 100b if they can explain how it would hurt Eve Online to have a “True HS”.

*Facts, not opinions.


That’s an impossible premise to prove/disprove. However, this sort of logic leads to the tyranny of the majority. You can use it to effectively make the case that full-loot, open-world PvP games shouldn’t exist as a genre at all, to the detriment of all of the genre’s fans and enjoyers.


Look at Eve Echoes for all the proof you could want. It is what you say you want and is not doing well.
You can donate 25 of my 100b to Aiko and spread the rest amongst faction warfare pilots.

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To the moooooooooon

I mean, floor.

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And who do you think EQ stole that concept from?

UO :smiley:

EQ? Brutal? EQ was candyland compared to UO LOL.

Wildy high inflation of some items, deflation of others, items become meaningless, player economy tanks, boredom sets in, game dies :smiley:

I’ll take that 100b now kthx.


So, you don’t believe in Democracy? Interesting. Let’s just keep our numbers where they are. Great idea.

Democracy doesn’t mean that the larger group always gets its way, and the smaller group never does.


So about that 100b…

When can I expect it?

For 100 bil isk?

I’ll say whatever you want me to say.

When can I expect my 100 bil isk now?

I’ll give anyone 100b if they can explain how it would hurt WoW and GW2 to get rid of “no-PVP” zones.

*Facts not Opinions.

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Ok Bro

I too am a penguin



Ah. Apply the Schrodinger equation to a Bell’s Inequality simulation of the quantum entanglement of 10^500 simulated string theory universes…and somewhere in there is the answer. It cannot be otherwise.

Can I have all the rest of your stuff after you’ve handed over the 100bn ?

Yes, it literally does. Most people confuse America as a “republic”, which it isn’t.

A constitutional republic means that it is one in which, rather than directly governing, the people select some of their members to temporarily serve in political office; the constitutional part means that both the citizens and their governing officials are bound to follow the rules established in that Constitution.

Don’t confuse the CSM with our elected officials. Even IF they listened to the player base, CCP could choose to listen to them or simply ignore them. One would certainly think CCP would listen to its base, but the jury’s still out on that one.

You just relax, there, firebrand! I was the first to answer the highly honourable Mr. Frege’s question giving a concrete example. He will of course fulfill his ironclad ultra-dependable promise to me and certainly not to you.