Rapidly declining players

Wow I didn’t know the US was the only Democracy in the world, or that the people who invented it AND came up with the name for it didn’t know its literal meaning.

Amazing what you learn on these forums.


That could be tricky seeing as at least one of them is.


I thought Brisc is a political lobbyist and not an elected official. Maybe I’ve read it wrong though.

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Oh really? Didn’t know that if so.

He certainly didn’t make the distinction when referred to as a politician by me in any of my rants at him, but fair enough if so.

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Well I just recall reading he is a lobbyist, which I assumed means he is a politician but also assumed mean he is not an elected official.

But didn’t do any research though as it was of no interest to me to learn the details so just made my assumptions based on what I’ve read.


Children and teenagers don’t have much money, It’s designed for adults who can spend thousands of mula and many do.


In real life, Brisc Rubal is the online persona of Brian Schoeneman, a veteran lawyer and politician in the United States. In his day job, he represents America’s largest seafaring union in the halls of Congress and the White House. He’s run for office twice, testified before the U.S. Congress multiple times, served as chief elections administrator in the largest county in the Commonwealth of Virginia (with over 1 million residents), served as Special Assistant and Senior Speechwriter for a U.S. cabinet secretary, got verified on Twitter, taken a nap smack dab in centerfield at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, and Rachel Maddow even apologized for making fun of him on TV.

This is publicly available info on his own personal website so is published by him so should be fine to post I guess.

( @Brisc_Rubal if you don’t want any of this posted here let me know and I edit my post.)

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I really avoid looking up people on here in RL and tbh I think it would be best not to post that stuff, even with how I feel about the fellow.


He always openly talks about his stuff and his political stuff is also public info just fyi at least as far as I know. He is officially a public figure so his info is publicly available and same for him as a CSM member as I understand.

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Yeah just feel I should have that thing that I said as a disclaimer that Im not promoting RL info, given my outlook on the character in question.

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True Highsec exists in starter systems and it is achieved when Capsuleers follow the 1. [EULA, ToS, Policies] on Rookie Griefing.

The rookie griefing rule doesn’t mean rookies can’t be killed even in those systems, it means they can not be tricked into opening themselves up to PvP (like telling the to set safety to yellow then open a container to turn them into suspects then shooting them for example) by exploiting their lack of knowledge and such.

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  • Hindering a rookie’s progress in completing the Tutorial / NPE Arc

Would this also cover unprovoked ship loss due to a gank while inside one of those systems?

Not really sure to be honest. It can be decided either way and still be considered to be according to the rule so as it is all too subjective / open for interpretation (and also open for abuse by the rookie being told to claim his progress was hindered in a support ticket) that I don’t think a 100% assured answer can be given.

Side note, this pilot had never ever completed a Tutorial or NPE Arc, so does that mean I never ever really needed a permit to mine in those systems long ago?

I don’t think you ever need a permit regardless. But not clear what that question supposed to mean exactly. :thinking:

The writing is on the wall and Capsuleer griefing seems to be in the spotlight even on the last Fanfest presentation overhead projector view was it not?

/Directly or indirecty requesting a permit be obtained to mine would be concidered a level of grief.

/it was just a thought. let’s not dig too deep :stuck_out_tongue:

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Didn’t watch the last fanfest so dunno.

/ Edit: Oh I see, yeah makes sense.

I’ve served in public office, both times in political capacities, and I’ve run for office twice (not as successfully as my CSM campaigns, sadly). I’ve been called a politician for the last decade or more, whether in game or out of it.