Rapidly declining players

No one cares bruv.

Our countrymen literally believe JFK JR alive and is gonna be prez. We got no room to lecture anyone :smiley:

Well I’d say he didn’t specify how many could answer :smiley:

Looks like he owes a lot :smiley:

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That’s my understanding as well.

Kind of cool logo:

He speaks about on Twitch® all the time so I don’t think he’d mind.

I don’t think it should be limited to rookies.

Permits are useless. A scam that provides no protection whatsoever.

True. And that’s the first thing that’s demanded of anyone stupid enough to join “Why Was I Ganked” after being ganked. I’d call it, doubling down on griefing.

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Anyone that stupid is probably beyond help.

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Actually Aiko honors her permits.

Its called RP bud :smiley:

Imagine having fun in a vidya game :smiley:

No one forces them to join?

Yennoe, I come to realize I should be thankful to be old enough to have learned how to truly interwebs.

The younger generations seem woefully unprepared for the digital world.

Most miners are boomers.

Yes well, according to them we must protect the precious nubs cause they are unable to Google things about a near 20 year old game and parse information correctly :smiley:

Serious question, do you even want to help the game continue?

Bro, I’m pretty sure I’ve done more to help the precious nubs than you.

You’re the confused about what the game actually is :smiley:

Your approach to this argument leads me to believe that you’re 9 or 10 years old.


Do you find yourself getting into arguments with very young children often?


Dude, that’s an awesome pin. I need to get one of the pre-AFL-CIO merger ones.

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Already have :smiley:

Considering I’ve actually played UO :smiley: Which has already proven you wrong by literally showing you what happens when you make something totally safe.

Where my 100b bro?

Or are you a welcher like all the others?

I have children, so I’ve at least observed them arguing amongst themselves.


Using another game is proof of nothing, besides a lack of creativity and/or intelligence.

No one cares bruv :smiley:

That is your opinion :smiley:

The fact is UO already showed what happens. Also EVE was based on UO my guy :smiley:

UO’s economy is shot to hell, with insane hyper inflation because no one loses anything anymore.

That comes from total safety.

Sorry bruv. You lost. And I already know you’re gonna welch on the 100b cause you’re a poor who can’t back up what they say :smiley:

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He can’t give you what he doesn’t have.


Oh I know.

I just find it funny when peeps try to flex but they can’t back up what they say.

He couldn’t even be bothered to do an iota of research LOL.


He just wants to mine in peace… Let him create the space zimbabwe hyperinflation simulator he wants.

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