Rapidly declining players


Love how folks are “leaving” cause they are unhappy, but yet wont stay to really put effort in to help get the devs to see that they are going down a rabbit hole, just up and leaving or bitxhing does nothing. Staying makes more if a difference, imo

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That’s the problem, JOIN, this mega alliance.

Why should have Capsuleers have to, JOIN, a mega alliance to gain access to Null? Joining a Null alliance usually sees the Cpasuleers rights stomped on.

You don’t need to be in a “mega alliance” to have access to null. You don’t even need to hold sov, though there are plenty of smaller alliances who do. Wormholes exists as well, NPC null, or you can even go and farm in some other alliance’s space who decided to claim some system that never gets used. Most of null is just empty!

I seriously doubt that’s true…I mean, there’d be 498 after my 2 are taken into account :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do trolls troll, indeed Frege?

You issued a pretty plain challenge for 100b isk. You netted a fair few responses that took your challenge at face value. Granted, those responses represent a bias, but biased people do not make a troll. Everyone has a biased viewpoint. You seem to mistake bias-I-don’t-like for troll.

On the other hand, it was telling that you didn’t follow up on any of the numerous responses to your challenge. Refusing to engage is not constructive behavior. I also issued the opposite challenge to you – no engagement there either. It’s pretty clear, you’re here to shout in your bull horn and not engage with the community. And resort to insults when that fails – if only to get savagely burned by Destiny. It turns out, showing up to an online community, and not engaging, and just spewing rhetoric, is old-school troll-like behavior.

So, Frege, I ask you again: why do trolls troll?

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I feel like I have to preface this with the clarification that I’m asking with sincere curiosity. No attack on you or Aiko intended, I just want to know what her permits actually promise, and what she delivers…

Does she “honour” her permits merely by not attacking those who pay? Or by actively keeping those paying players safe, and living up to what “protection” should actually be if you’re paying for it? Because from what I’ve seen of the in-game promises by the couple of groups I’ve encountered who have asked players in the new player systems to pay permits, they’ve mentioned protection but only promised not to attack their intended scam victims. In my view, a permit for safe access to a system means you’re promising to make sure the system is safe for those players who pay your permit fees. If you aren’t doing that, you are scamming those players.

The term you are looking for is “protection racket”.

“Scams” are entirely in the eyes of the beholder.


What they are doing is no different to highsec corps who claim to own an area of space and gank non-corp miners and other ships…a position I myself have in my ganking alt. I’m restricted to a specific area. Gankers are somewhat more mobile. But in both cases its what Eve is all about…dominion of areas of space. Highsec is not some Teletubbie Carebearland, it is as much fought over as anywhere else.


They’re my favorites… after Winnie-the-Pooh of course.

I’ve argued with Brisc before. He is definitely a lawyer. He makes the bad argument seem the better, and the good argument seem bad.

c0d3/sAfeTy will sell you a “permit” and gank you 10 minutes later. They never look at a player’s bio, that would be too much like “work”. Gankers are too lazy to put forward the effort.

Permits are 100% scam and 0% “protection racket”.

Even if they are…scams are perfectly permissible within the game. As anyone who’s visited Jita will know.

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That doesn’t make them right. Can we agree to that? There are such things as “right” and “wrong”.

In a fantasy game like Eve, there is no “right” and “wrong”, only “it’s in my wallet / station item hangar”.

You can do the whole “right” and “wrong” thing but that’s called roleplay.


thre may be, but…

and EvE is a fictional dystopian universe

Even so, there’s no LAW that says we can’t slowly drift back toward humanity.

Within just the past 12,000 years, our species, Homo sapiens , made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings. We have been so successful that we have inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth.

And there’s no LAW that says capsuleers can’t keep being immortal, putting implants in their skull, jump-cloning their consciousness between different physical bodies, and generally becoming socipaths with blatant disregard of baseliner life. All of which is very far from “humanity” in the ape sense.

But, this is the world of roleplay. You can roleplay “permits are a scam” just like permit-sellers can roleplay being an organized crime syndicate.

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