Rapidly declining players

me to
i don’t care about graphics
i do like gambling
CCP would never do it but imagine a even more depraved version of final fantasy private rooms inside a space casino
would fit like a glove in EVE world

We need things that encourage undocking and encourage peeps into conflict.

Another thing I’ve thought about is contested spawns of ultra valuable NPCs in low sec that gets broadcasted out.

Now would large alliances prob dominate? Probably. But it’d generate content for sure.

And even tho I hate the triangle lames, another cool thing is if they’d invade random HS systems for a day and turn them into low sec :smiley:

First one? Jita :smiley:

I dont know what it is. I gamble the way I drive! I gamble enough with my drone to get a slap on the wrist from Homeland Security. My Mom and sister tossed me a big 50 B-Day party simply because I was still alive!

Yet never felt the need to “gamble”?

You have me on this. What’s the dif between pov and low?

Why not turn into pov instead?

i love gambling
i play slots for nothing on a tablet because i like the themes
Egypt is ofc my favorite :smiley:

i bet i would grind a lot of isk to lose in the great 50 bill jackpot on the quafe machine

They could just say cause of the invasion, the security rating went down temporarily etc.

Thats a way to shake things up. Now try and get CCP to implement inside of 2 yrs…

Isk faucets? whats new? the mechanice sure could be implemented…dont disagree on it…

But what is new about it?
what is exciting about it?

we have had it before…
sits with valuable npc loot…???

is there not sites and stuff like that already…to contest over?

stagnation at its best i guess

LOL, the haterade is strong with you huh?

Guess you missed the part about low sec :smiley:

It won’t be an ISK faucet for everyone, not to mention you’d still have to get out of system with the loot :smiley:

But yea, I guess its boring compared to owning slaves right? LOL.

no i did not

we already had that, for like a year…remember the Trig Invasion war? uhm yeah, not a new mechanic…it can be done even as you want as a pemanent thing…but it will get old fast, and ppl can avoid them if they want and just wait for the market to be flooded enough to get “valuable npc loot” safer and cheaper.

so i say again…stagnation at its best, nothing new, so no new content just rehash.

LOL someone is a bitter vet :smiley:

I guess uh, the only good idea you got is owning slaves by WiS huh?

Yea. That sounds like a winner :smiley:

First dont call me Bro…

I dont know you
We have not served in a combat unit together.
We are not blood relation.

And for the counter argument…
WiS: Gambling, many other MMo’s have casinos in them…and EvE Poker used to be a thing, Caldari Blood Sports could actually become a thing, CCP could make more revenue off things for Corp Ofices etc, we could board Player structures , not just shoot them, we could board PoCo’s, the very fact of adding elements like this would change dynamics in EvE and contesting stuff in a positive way.

WoP: active resource collection, owning/renting an apartment(who cares which capsuleer actually owns it), ground battles, city/building designs, etc etc.

Yes I implied all that above when i first mentioned this stuff…but i guess you are too stupid or unimaginative to see that unless it is plastered to your face.

oh and 1 last time, and I hope an ISD takes note of this last bit…
I again request you stop calling me your Bro, i dont come on the forums to RP and your use of it is to be condescending, insulting, and offensive while in your mind maybe a bit of RP yourself…i dont care for it ass hole.

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I’m all in favor of creating meaningful conflict.

Enhance the FW concept to a breaking down of the static nature of the empires and make them dynamic.

First thing, giving two weeks notice, every player must declare for a faction. [Allows for moving assets to friendly territory]. War is declared between Amarr/Caldari and Minmater/Galente. Your declared faction gives you a unique overview icon as to enemy/friendly.

Concord splits in two and does not react to destruction of enemy ships in a factions system.

Enemy NPC stations in your territory are fair targets and can be captured. The captors place the stations for sale, to the highest bidder, NPC corps, those participating getting a share of the sale.

The Security status of systems can change. NPC corporations can sponsor new stations in a system that neighbors a lower sec level. The more stations the higher the status. This invasion would be opposed by the appropriate pirate faction, [who are also attempting to increase their territory.]

In simple terms make the game dynamic. with the players directing the development. New systems can be added, whole factions can relocate, cease fires can be declared, real spies and double agents.

Fleet battles between NPC navies and their allies and opposing Navies and their allies. {Every player corp gets a notice to assemble at a specific system at a certain time, then the war target is revealed.] [The object of the attack sends out an SOS for reinforcements]

[Returning players get a two week grace as a neutral.]

CCP will have to develop some impressive coding to keep up with the Universe in change,

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Bro just chill!

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Just quoting the first line, but this post has a LOT of more interesting ideas than station walking. Not sure how practical some of them would be, and not sure I approve of the “forced to choose a side” part - even in world wars in real life, there have been neutral parties. Players should have some option to stay out of the conflict… even if that makes them somewhat of a target when in space controlled by either side…

Whether this is possible or not is the problem, though. It’d be awesome if it does expand to a truly dynamic system, but I’m not sure the game could handle it while remaining a single shard environment. And that point is a big selling point the competition doesn’t have.

Bro, its ok :smiley:

I mean you may have implied but you uh led with you just wanted slaves :smiley:

ROFL. So you get mad at me for calling you bro, bro but use outright swear words to come at me?

Don’t you think as a future people owner, you should have thicker skin bro?

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I used to own slaves in-game. Like, not an item, but actual player slaves. It didn’t make a lot of money, but it was very fun! I think Aiko owns a couple of slaves to this very day.

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Get it get it whoa

So you dont like being called bro

But gambling and calling people assholes is fine.

Calm down, bro

Which is why CCP had to raise the subs