Rapidly declining players


Well he logged out of course.

Or he got ganked, rage quit, had a massive tantrum , deleted his account without giving anyone his stuff.


We could also read the topic as being Rapidly Declining Player Wallets as they plex their accounts…
Keep extracting at a loss month after month after month.

Instead of using quotes taken out of context, I would suggest reading, but this time with understanding.
However, since this is difficult for you, let me explain: the player count game has returned to its 2008 level and is declining. Pity. Is it so hard to understand?
I deleted my account because the arrogance and stupidity of the support and CCP pissed me off enough. However, my nickname is written on the EVE stone. Both accounts.
I came back because some young people asked me to help them get the game going. Mission accomplished; I am cancelling the subscription now.
Eve is a strategic game ??? You probably have no idea what a strategy game is, so what is there to discuss with you?
The difference is that in EvE I fly from the observer’s position and the random number generator decides the result of the battle of two identical units. In RSI, I run the ship myself; I dig the minerals alone or with the crew. And these emotions when you fly on various missions on your own …
You’ve never been to RSI, and you’ve never flown.
After that, EVE - 22k players and falling vs RSI 3+ m players and growing
Do you know how many EvE refugees there are?

What type of proof do you want?
Except for account statements.

I like the opinions of newbies who joined one year ago.
Try something more constructive.

For someone who deleted their account you sure spend alot of time here stamping your feet. Opinions are for paying customers only my good friend!


Do you also have a reading comprehension problem?
I deleted my old account. This is a new account, and my subscription has just expired. The old one is written on the EvE monument.
What you are writing is precisely the arrogance and stupidity that discourages people from playing this game. People on the alpha account do not have the right to an opinion. A truly Soviet approach.
If commenting on one post is sitting around and stamping your feet, then you are a bigger kid than I expected.
Again very constructive response. Are you work for EvE support? I’m asking because this is their style.

I too am on the monument! Amazing coincidence.

I do not work for EVE support but it sure sounds like they are a highly trained professional group. Hats off to them!

What are you complaining about again?

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dont do omega, do alpha only and you are good…

best regards…

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I dont want any proof, I simply doubt the truthfulness of that statement.

Not that its possible to prove either, ofc.

But why on earth do you care if a nobody on the internet believes you? If it was true you wouldnt.

Can I have your stuff?

Yet if you were truly an EVE veteran, you should have a thicker skin than this :smiley:

But it isn’t surprising. Some of the people who cry the loudest are veterans.

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Why would kids without money play this game? Its for mature audience. Is CCP losing its mind in desperation and want kids to get money from parents to play it? They shouldnt. It is brutal world with graphic violence of many ships exploding, and imagine whats going on inside, with people being massacred and ripped to shreds, guts and pieces of their brains floating in space and your ship flies thru that and have to be cleaned from time to time from this grime, which is visually accumulating on spaceship. Its all peoples remains… There are also all dirty adult things like gambling and prostitutes.

Its for adults.

You can’t say that, the game is PEGI 12 .


blinking jars and jars

its was an environmental catastrophe that done it
lead fuelled the downfall
so the remainder was networked to preserve an English rock band.
and then they were prickled
just rows and rows of brains sloshed in tidy transparent containers
powering a nation
of a game
no one wants to admit
they really really like


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It’s just so amazing that people even ask such dumb questions!

First off are they really cancelling or just kicking up dust?

I think it is just dust and you here jumping onto the dumb questions to ask list! :rofl: