Rapidly declining players

Can I have your stuff?

I can save eve online if they hire me.

They can’t kick up dust 514 because CCP cancelled it a long time ago.

ba dum tsh

:smirk: :blush: :dealwithitparrot:


Dust 514 shut down

Now Eve: Valkyrie?

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Does your Pilot name start with A?

Eve is a product. It went through the product life cycle.
CCP’s failure is that EVE was their Cash Cow at maturity for the last 8 years. And for those 8 years, they have basically taken the profits and put them into other projects.
EVE may have a lot of aspects of a service but in the end, it’s a product. And products that don’t receive upgrades and added value rapidly reach the end of their life cycle.

Eve simply reached market saturation and CCP failed to keep it relevant.
Then in what is business suicide: They took their old end-of-life cycle poor value product and increased its price. Failing to appreciate what they thought was a captive audience was actually only mildly loyal at best and more than happy to go and try out more modern products.

Now if they want to reverse that trend, they need to basically perform a scarcity operation on their own business. Where EVE receives big content added value and has a lowered price to get old customers back to try it again. This, however, while obvious often escapes a company’s management who instead will run it into the ground to get the most out of it before moving on. This is normally because of shareholder demands for dividends coming before the health of the company.

In short, EVE needs new management and owners who care for the product, not profit, This is unlikely. Until the brand is basically at a loss and is sold to invested buyers to salvage if its not to late and already closed down.

The Short is that the prospects for an Eve recovery are pretty low without a significant price drop and rapid massive content updates. Because again. The fact is that EVE is a subscription product that adheres to the basic trends of every business and product.


I went from 8 Omega accounts to 2. From 120/month to 40 cuz CCP wanted an extra 40. So now they just get the 40.

If characters could fly DSTs as Alpha you bet I’d only have 1 Omega. The price increase was insulting.


You know what ? Good on you for forming a concise thought and expressing yourself constructively. Keep up the good work.

Maybe CCP will wise up and lower their prices which would help us all.

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My God ! I’ve no idea how I missed being psychologically traumatised by watching Stingray and Thunderbirds as a kid :slight_smile:


that’s because kids are SUPER SOFT these days drinking/eating a lot of soy and cry at the SLIGHLTEST offense usually just someone with a different opinion … and by no means do I think I am macho man manly, but I will defend what I believe and speak my mind.

(got a 25 year forum ban on blizzard forums due to social contract, and no I didn’t say anything bad, I was banned for saying “god you’re stupid” because someone said something stupid…)

<—high sec carebear that plays on and off non seriously cause I like ship spinning and LASERS!

Glory to the Amarr empire!

also if sub went up with inflation, it would of been higher then $20… basically ideally it should be $27,

assuming a 3% inflation (1.03^20) = 1.8061

80% of $15 is $12, 15+12 = $27

but clearly they make money other ways like skins and etc…

but if you can’t afford $20, maybe rethink were your spending your money?

again I say this as I am upset as I think $15 is standard and CCP makes more then enough through skins/plex/etc…but space lasers…

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It is not just this game, many long standing games are or had gone through simular scenarios.

What we had for delivery of content had been massive since my short time playing Eve Online. We are not seeing any Expansion pack costs being added and outside the normal adjustment of plex / omega prices.

Lifeblood new moon mining capabilities (No added cost to the player)
Massive turn on for a Miner in New Eden

Into The Abyss / Someplace somewhere a Orca can not Venture.

Onslaught / Something about Drones I think I was too busy being a Miner

Triglavian Invasion I DON’T really miss my Orca that much

her name was maggie

I used to bath her every night before dismounting to log out.

None of that was a failure and same should be said about Uprising which again no additional fee is being asked to play.

I’m spending my money wrong
maybe in should buy some … uhhhhh… food … or … uhhhhh …some… books
or pay the … uhhhh… rent

which i understand, but remember eve went a very long time without ever raising the sub, but they raised the cost in other area’s (plex/skins/etc…)

the lack of new content is more bothersome then the increased cost IMO, and while i love the new ships coming and hopes it means we get more like say navy destroyers / Navy Abaddon maybe?

I do think this game needs A ACTUAL large content change like maybe redo missions/more story arc’s… maybe do something with standings/faction rep clearly they had some idea’s when the concorn ships had improvments based on sec status? maybe do that for say Amarr ships with Amarr standing instead of sec status used with concord, making choosing a faction give a slight bonus as standing as it currently is is mostly pointless except for unlocking missions which really isn’t much of a roadblock., which maybe their promises are real and some big stuff coming, but it’s easy to discount with really 2 years of not much different but number tweaks.

hell I thought it would of been cool to integrate DUST (BEFORE IT POOFED) into EVE literally as one client, but imo it’s biggest failure was being a Playstation title only and not PC.

i know walk-in-station is a nono topic…but what about boarding parties on station/ships to set up a explosive to make it blow from the inside/do severe damage? aka new ways to attack/war.

(imagines a stealth trooper sitting in a station while people freak out as they sit AFK in a corner pretending to use a bomb)

You can backstab them, burn them alive with a fireball or crush their skull with an axe, but hurting their feelings isn’t allowed.


You have not been mainly because of not full picture of what happens is depicted in cinema in movies, outside of gore genre and real war footage. Imagination works differently when you have seen all the things that result from explosions. But also the propaganda and political reasons are behind covering truth about blowing up things. In my opinion explosions should not be shown without showing the aftermatch of effect of them on human body. This way we can see the truth and not be fooled. Obviously that would have to be reserved for adults.

Uh. It kinda sounds like you’re the one crying. And what’s wrong with soy? Did the soy beans offend you or

Be careful what you ask for. OW2’s justification for switching to the battle pass model is to generate more content.

EVE already has a monthly sub, so adding a BP model would be super easy.

Imagine the outcry if ever “Into The Abyss 2.0” were to be gated behind a paywall? Passcard!

and everyone I know who plays OW including myself doesn’t like the greedy BP…in classic blizz fashion they are taking a greedy model and making it’s GREEDIER for bobbies fleet.

what’s sadder is I don’t think they care after Diablo immortal showed them they can get away with it in the long run even though in the short run they will have a lot of bad PR - but THAR BE WHALES!

I don’t think EVE could get away with a greedy BP after the sub increase due to the lower amount of players already for a ninch game.

Oh I’m not a fan of the BP model at all. I hate FOMO marketing and that things get time gated.

However, it’d be very easy for them to implement. If they did, I’d be unsure about my future in New Eden.

Players are declining because they don’t have access to Null space, and constantly get blown up.

I endeavor to remedy that situation, by evicting Goonswarm from their own territory. So that Rookies can feel the same excitement that the very first Gooners felt when they entered that unconquered space that Goons now pollutes with gate camps of Titans and Super Caps.