Rapidly declining players

I once was in null space, imo it’s safer then High Sec except for those choke points where high sec meets null, and Low Sec is where the true scum and villainy live.

SOOO by this logic allow capitals in High Sec!!! since it’s less safe then null sec and then allow lvl 5 missions in high sec so those capitals can have some use and then i want to see the swarm of suicide squads go for the big ones!

traveling low sec is basically a death sentence if you go alone in any ship except maybe a interceptor that can bypass gatecamps through sheer speed.

Uh it is easy as pie to join a null sec alliance LOL.

Good luck with that mate :smiley:

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Not really unless going through certain pipelines.

Once upon a time maybe. Not anymore.

What? When (if I recall right, but might not be, Goons didn’t form until 2006 and by then all of null was conquered. They were the newbeans back in the day)?

Good luck Dryson.

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Kids are easy to blame when you need a scapegoat. Kind of like blaming the fart on the dog. But I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: children aren’t in charge of implementing policy and tuning the social climate; their parents are. I didn’t get a medal for losing the race because I wanted or asked for one; I got it because a bunch of 40-year-olds decided that it was a good idea to take things in that direction as a means of getting back at their hardass silent generation/boomer parents for being too strict with them.

I spend 99% of my time in this game eviscerating other players and scooping the Lucky Charms out of their charred meatsuits, and I will attest that the grand majority of all the bleeding-heart whiners and people making death and rape threats over losing their space pixels are middle-aged, or older. If you want to deal with the problem, stop going after the easy targets, and start looking inward and toward your peers.

I also never understand the soy hate.

Tofu is amazeballs.

soooo kids right? those 40 year olds have a mindset of a dumb kid because many actual SMART kids see through this and point it out before they get ousted and attacked.

You can travel vast areas of lowsec without seeing anyone at the moment and gate camps in low are also only as specific choke points. It’s pretty safe to travel lowsec these days.

Null is safe based on who you are blue to. Fly in areas without blues and “safe” isn’t the right word.

yep this was the case lol, but still safer then high sec suiciding ganking squads

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How the goons have changed from their frigate fleets. Null access isn’t restricted, just join somebody like the Pandemic Horde and use the goons for target practice.

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The only people at risk of being ganked are people that aren’t thinking. It’s almost trivial to avoid with a little bit of forethought.

I’ve started autopiloting my freighters on certain routes, which is something I would never have done in the past.


Same applies to lowsec.

Which are only in a few systems and actually aren’t that bad.

It’s pretty obvious you don’t play the game but then you already admitted that.

Nah. Low is safe everywhere, whether it’s space controlled by people you are friends with or not. As a neutral in lowsec, friends with no one, it’s still very safe in vast areas of low at the moment.

Even in choke points, it’s still easy to move around without being caught. Always has been if you play smart, but right now, low is pretty dead.

not if you mining and watching TV, Null soo much safer and profitable.

Let’s put this to the test if you are up for it?

Why do I get the impression this test will result in @High_Priestess_Seana getting ganked?

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I don’t know. I’ve only asked a simple question at this stage. Anything beyond that is imagined at the moment.

You do like swatting goons

When we are at war, sure. Otherwise, I have no preference either way. Swat everyone equally.

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