Raw ISK Login Rewards & Dark Patterns in Gaming

Well since Pearl owns eve maby within a year or so we will see resource packs of like 100mil tritatnium or something offered on micro-transactions.

Most of the complaints, as Shipwreck noted, are in the primary thread. I gave my thoughts over there, but I’ll repeat that I opposed handing out free isk as a login reward, and suggested that it be tied to doing something in space (kill 5 rats, kill another player, mine X, etc) as we see now with daily rewards campaigns rather than simply being handed out on login.

That being said, given the state of the money supply and the current isk velocity as shown in the MER, I don’t think that some free isk is going to cause any long-term damage to the economy.

I hope this isn’t something they intend to do frequently.


Yeah i kinda heard something similar few years back but about illicit activities like botting but we know how that ended up…

It is not really about long term isk flow from login rewards.
EvE just becoming PC version of mobile game with skill boosts, free login isks, accelerators.
And like with mobile games it starts to push the idea - If you not logging in you stay behind.

I mean they can push a soapy foam in eyes with sentences like “CCP is in charge and pearl gave them free reigns over eve”. But seriously?? 16 years of development and since Pearl took over we have a little over a year of pure bonanza on server that makes EvE sometimes looks like money squeezing mobile game.

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Look at the every other game on the market. They’re all moving in this direction, because that’s what makes money.

Yeah but eve is different. This game is not made to shine bright and burn out in 5 years hoping to make enough money back to get the investment and 200% extra.

EvE has player-base like nearly no other game out there. Some developers tried to move in to EvE direction not the other way around. Pearl with literally pushing forcibly their changes and the mobile way o games are created, they make more harm than good.

EvE playerbase is not teenagers but average age is 30 and treating the players like they are mindless drones with idiotic events, money login rewards, hyperscam market (that is thin line from borderline illegal btw)
This is not CCP this is pearl forcing modern cash grabbing business style to players with years spent in game that is all about keeping players not milking new ones.
They took unique and start turning it into something that is already more than plenty out there in case of business profile.

If eve would not be so unique i would be playing those games.

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I stole stimulisk for the name of my blog post, btw. Hope you’re not mad.

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Since EVE is unlike anything else on the market, the playerbase it already does have is not guaranteed to be a well-represented distribution of the rest of the video game market.

To back up my claim, I’d need data I can’t get. But CCP Games can: I recall a while ago CCP Games partnered with a survey group to conduct a volunteer survey of its playerbase. It leads me to believe that CCP Games has a brief window into the “kind of personality” that plays EVE. It goes without saying that the personality-traits of capsuleers does not equal the market, so the point of bringing this up is that CCP Games are more than capable of making a marketing survey. A reasonable stance would be: Rather than blindly rolling into the dark patterns, I’d like to see them do those marketing surveys of their current playerbase to understand if they are those that fall into the patterns of “mobile” or “battle pass” or “loot box” kind of players. Whatever CCP Games’ long term monetization strategy is.

If I could wave a magic wand, the strategy would be “make the subscription more appealing”, and I know everyone and their grandmother on this forum has ideas on how to do that (“more missions”, “more sandbox mechanics”, etc). More subscriptions, more people available for Hypernet and microtransactions, more referrals possible, which leads to more subscriptions… and it’s a positive feedback cycle.

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