True. If we go down that route, they’d likely make every effort to return as thats generally what people do. Drones on the other hand could self destruct if they lost signal to protect I dunno, “<insert something that follows the lore”
it’s not like they can just flip a switch. and I know I would not want that happening in a fight if I fat finger my reconnect hot key
If you fat fingered a reconnect hotkey while you had fighters out, you would not be able to reconnect to any that you had abandoned, and there would be no problem.
If you had no fighters out, you could simply abandon them again.
If there were none to reconnect to, none would get recalled to your fighter bay.
I agree that a forced recall on reconnected fighters would be a quick way to fix things. Even if it just forced them to return and orbit it would be enough.
For the most part it usually works like that, but if you recall them while on grid and then warp or recall them mid-warp, there’s a high chance they miss target by a long shot. Of course there is also some less common, but no less frustrating times when everything seems to be in order and proper place, when you realize your going to have to fetch your fighters.
I’m not entirely certain why this is, and I also hope it’s not an intended mechanic. I don’t recall old fighters really having this issue at all. They didn’t exactly “warp” in the sense they do now, but they would take travel time and spawn at the correct location.
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