Red vs Blue: Join the Forever War Today!

Smaller, but still same old fun :slight_smile:
Moved back to Josameto Otela, and Liekuri,

would love to have you back <3

I am tempted…Lol, just the thought of moving ALL I have in Oisio…

How is the path between the old and new systems?

So what have we been up to? Events between R and B? any low sec purple?

Not bad, I can tell you which pipe to take (same # of jumps) and we can help you move bulk assets,

both high sec and purple low sec are happening. :slight_smile:

Yea, I just checked and it can be done through high sec 7/8 jumps… :slight_smile:

How do you join?

Walks in room and waves!! Come along and have some fun!



Awsome bunch of guy’s,a real pleasure to fly with,as soon as you log on you can find someone to go 1v1 with.
It’s great to go head to head with one of your corp mates then have a chat about the fight,it really helps your PvP chatting with your opponent after the fight.something you never get to do in low sec or Null.
I have been playing EvE for quite some time now and always find myself returning to RvB time and time again.
Keep up the great job guy’s " Rvb Forever"


Am coming back after two years of inactivity (Degrees, military obligations blah blah). I am not at all skilled in anything other than some PvE I used to do with friends (7m SP atm) and thinking about joining RvB to finally learn the game better and get into PvP. Are RvB still recruiting / fighting / helping newbs? Would love to apply :slight_smile:

I see you in corp :smiley:

and yes, and yes


Hello fellow capsuleers,come join RvB.Logged in today and within three minutes of logging in recieved in game PvP content.
Great bunch of guy’s in here,you can pit your wits against bitter veterans and friends within Red v Blue,fight Re-ship fight Re-ship,Rince and repeat over and over again.Talk over your fights with the guys and find out your good points and your bad points,then combine to form purple fleets and use your knowledge gained to fight against war targets,as you all know there is no better feeling in game when you supprise a war target and watch his expensive blingy ship go “Pop”
Fleets are formed throughout the week then at weekend things get really good there is so much to do it’s Awsome.
So what have you got to loose just join our in game chat “R-V-B” and ask your questions there is always someone around to give you the right answers.
“Guys don’t wait do it today”

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Send application yesterday, hope some Red Directors would accept button.

Blue people I’m coming for you…


yeah… :eyes:

Can I join? This sounds like most fun a newbie can have

Yarrrr (Yes)

returning player after 4 years, I remember rvb was most T1 ships is it still this way or can I fly what ever I want? Can I kill any red any time?

We still mostly fly T1 hulls, you can mostly fly what you want, but we discourage excessive bling (T2/T3 ships, faction and up mods, etc) when balance or ‘seal clubbing’ is an issue, otherwise you can shoot a Red almost anytime/place, lol. Major exceptions are when a 3rd party War target is in the area/system or when in Jita, or if they are at a moon for an Honored 1v1