Regarding the Fleet Fight in X47L-Q

When CCPTomb introduced capital ship in the game something really rotten append. The first thing that has to be said is that CCPTomb was in love with Star Wars and Eve capital ships are based on that movie franchise. Titans are the Death Star as well as the other capital ships. And in one of Star Wars movies we see at the beginning a small fleet of bomber ships attacking a dreadnaught. The scene has cuts from Dust514 from what I can see also. Where do you think Star Wars franchise got their idea for that one? My best educated is guess is that this scene is from CCP Iceland just to get even…

Poe Attacks the Dreadnought | FANEDIT | The Last Jedi - The Resistance Cut

If this scene is not marvelously familiar to Eve players go fetch some glasses you need it urgently… This scene is a copy of Eve fleet battles so familiar we don’t even notice it.

Anyway… now for some reason probably because of server load Titans have (or used to have) a common cargo hold where all the players put their loot at the same place with free general access as soon has you have roles. We told CCP what would happen but with no avail they did it anyway. This lead to the biggest scam in the history of gaming… But something else occurred also. Since capital ship creates so much server load during fleet battles Titans could not activate their doomsday devices and Titans started to blow up with the logical results of this… I don’t think this has been resolved and this is why they keep trying to solve this lag issue by pulling one mass stress test after the other. They have been at it for a decade mostly since Titans came in the game. I blame 100% CCPHeimar a long time lead dev to have let CCPTomb do what ever he wished even if this is quite impossible to achieve. And the simple explanation why 0.0 is rather empty these days compared to my time is because traders can’t extract their loots from 0.0 and alliances loosing capital ships because of lag. Lag was so terrible after capital ships were introduced CCP wrote in the news of the game that if alliances were to hold a fleet battle the CEO of that alliance had to send an email to CCP in order to attribute server resources to that system or group of systems. And even that didn’t worked well. It’s an epic mess that cannot be solved. Never did never will. So here we a decade in the making and CCP is still trying to fix someone else mess and are systematically failing to resolve this capital ships major lag. It’s the only reason why they keep this lunacy going these days.

too funny … sounds like you went to sleep , drunk , watching star wars , fell out of bed , hit your head , and made this post .
what does a six-month old char know of Tomb , and his legendary nerf bat ?


So that’s what happened no wonder why i saw so many articles about it.

I was always thinking about this. Glad I wasn’t the only one. No more DT tanking BS. Put the game in stasis mode for a certain amount of time and keep the characters loading in. If the server crashes again, repeat and/or increase the stasis duration.

Could someone send an Evemail for the next fleet fight like that? I can undock a dread if needed. @Aiko_Danuja

Yeah, we need more pings and even more chars there, everyone should witness the full scale tidi :wink:

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