When creating a contract which requests items from the contracting partner, the procedure is really horrible.
Right now, you have to add one item at a time, set the quantity for each item and as if this would not be bad enough, it requires a second selection of the item from all items containing the same substring.
It would be much easier and convenient if the item selection would not open this dialog if the given item name finds an exact match and would only pop up if its not unique. Like if I’d have typed “Aste” in the given example.
Of course, the big fix here would be if it would be possible to feed the content of the clipboard to the contract setup, as it is for the multibuy window.
The fix for unique item names should even be a pretty simple and small one.
Any improvement in the Contract UI would be welcome, it’s so cumbersome and frustrating now.
The clipboard input would make the whole process almost painless, and you already have the coding for Multi-buy - could you just “clone” the procedure for Contracts?
Another interim suggestion: Allow us to include items in containers in the contracting station? I currently use multiple station containers to sort stuff out, then move the items for sale back into the item hangar to add to the contract.
And +10 on the “items in containers” too – that would really simplify an otherwise painful “unboxing” process every time I contract a lot of materials…
As a new player and given the enormous complexity of the whole game, i’m all for simplification and/or better presentation of common actions and activities. Contracting is a big part of trade and hauling, which is a substantial part of everybody’s gameplay whether they do it alone, with alts or contract some of the bigger corporations.
I hope CCP takes notice and includes this in their to-do list.
Agreed; the current contract UI is almost as esoteric as the corporation ACL! I hope the changes brought forth with the new wallet UI are heralding the rework of a few others of the most obscure and outdated interfaces around!
I’ve been writing contracts off and on and outside of making sure my hanger is in order there is no way to make item selection easy. Having to move everything around is not fun at times.