I believe the ratio of simple item transfer contracts between alts and corp/alliance mates to actual public item exchange contracts is at least 100:1, probably much higher. The current contract process supports all the possible options, and has numerous windows and mandatory clicks (5 clicks) which are overkill for the most common use of contracts.
A new context menu entry “Create Item Transfer Contract” with simplified, one window workflow. You select items (from hangars/assets), choose this option and it opens a window where you input receiving character/corp/alliance/drag name. After populating this field, the window shows the receiver portrait/logo with corp+alliance name so you can visually confirm you typed correctly, then you click “Confirm”.
This creates a contract to the receiver with 0 ISK or items requested, and 4 weeks duration. No further dialog windows open, the dialog window closes.
This would leave the current Contract workflow intact to create public item excanges, auctions, couriers and priced private contracts, but would save everyone approximately 1 million mouse clicks per year for the most commonly used version of contracts.
Thanks for reading.