Rescue One [RESC1] - ongoing open recruitment

Rescue One [RESC1] is a new corporation co-owned by 2 CEOs that are IRL EMTs (hense the name Rescue One!)

RESC1 is looking for all and any pilot to help grow our corporation into something large and organized. New or experienced, casual or full-time, all are welcome to apply and join.

-Friendly-Fire is illegal, tax at 10% to start
-We are located in The Forge region (0.7sec)
-highsec moon mining
-Currently active in mining, PvE, and industry/trade. Open for pvp as well.
-Our end game is to open a station and operate from there and engage in PvP
-But we will support you in any and all interests you have in game whether that be combat, mining, hauling, whatever just ask!

Please, if you have any questions contact CEO Jamie Buddhamiere, CEO Rika Crendraven or NitroCat Ataru. We look forward to working with you!

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Are you still looking for members?? i am wanting to do PvE combat stuff. Let me know

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