[Resolved] 20240724 - Unscheduled Extended Downtime

We have an unscheduled extended downtime. We hope to have the server open to players at around 11:30 UTC.


Maybe while you are waiting we could get some patch notes ?


They are overworked with starting up the server after a “no patch day”. Don’t give them even more things to do that could break even more things…


seems to be back-a-lula , I don’t mean maybe.

Yeah I am trying not to be an ass to people just doing their jobs and no doubt people would prefer eve to work than to get documentation, but documentation on what is going into an update ahead of time is standard industry practice.

Updates without documentation have a tendency to go awry.

Then there are updates that nobody asks for and we have to trust the vendor knows what they are doing and it won’t result in millions of busted PC’s and international disruptions.

Still, the thought of so many windows PC’s with their users convulsing in agony does warm the heart a little.

Its PITA that downtime happens in the middle of AU-TZ, when things go south a 30 minute outage is a fair chunk of our primetime gameplay.




Its okay, they were evil voices.

Tranquility server is now open for players.


At my work I pushed 12 commits since 9am.

The commit summary on the one I did a few minutes ago said “stuff and things”.

The description was left blank.

I am sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

No it’s not. Many updates make no sense without the internal resource they work on. Sometimes you push an update for a task that is not complete yet, solely for the reason to obtain more debug.

And you are trying very poorly.

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I for one trust my corporate overlords! :heart:

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I seem to recall a dev commenting about this, that updates with no patch notes have nothing to do with the game per se, but like internal workings

I saw this and thought, yeah, you have a point.

Then I jumped a gate in a tengu and all my subsystems disappeared. Open the fitting window, its just the default empty bitmaps. If I were in hostile space and got blown up, I am the one who has to file a ticket and somehow explain I should get a ship back due to b0rk3d code.

This weird ‘instantaneous module deactivation’ bug has happened previously, but this was a first for a t3c. Could still warp, but modules showed as online could not be onlined, complaining about insufficient power.

I pulled into a station, logged back to character selection, logged back in. Pulled the ship apart completely ( bless t3c rig removal ) and put it back together. Modeuls would fit, but subsystems were still all blank.

Logged off. Rebooted. Logged back in. Put ship back together again. No problems, so it was not the fit or skills.

I guess its too much to want the little things eh?

Our logs show nothing.™

:psyccp: :wink: :smiling_imp:


You were victim of a bug and you are entitled to complain about it.
Does not seems that your complain is not constructive either.

But being victim of a bug is not related to the topic, which was : complaining about the patch not containing all the relevant information, while you don’t even know if there was such a relevant information to start with, and then saying that your are trying to not be an ass while your emit a judgement on how working people should work are in opposition.

It’s all right (and understandable) to ask for more, but it’s not constructive to pretend your request is standard, while it is in fact not.

We felt this was about to happen, thank you for listening to our suggestions and considerations for an improved adventure in the future of New Eden,

May your afternoon be filled with delicious treats of Fermented Shark.

That statement reminds me of a certain secretary of defence explaining known unknowns, and unknown known.

True, its not standard, but it is expected and highly desired.

Flake chocolate ? Did I get the reference right ?

HĂĄkarl available in Icelandic stores.

remember when eve updates deleted boot.ini files?
ccp sure didn’t put that in the patch notes D: