[RESOLVED] Emergency Tranquility Server Restart - 30 May 2021

If the hamsters are getting slow, get a birb:

Blast from the past

That’s not until tomorrow. You can keep your panties on.

Bank holidays are not mandatory (but generally given) in the UK like official holidays in other places in the world. The fact it’s called a “Bank” holiday (and covered under financial laws of all things) should is just lol to begin with. They’re not real holidays nor are they an automatic right. You don’t even have a “national holiday” lol.

I suggest a revamp of your hoildays and laws to cover it and automatic right to it, and separate it from finance statutes, oh and some kind of national holiday and more meaningful days perhaps rather than “banks”.

I laughed an inappropriate amount at this joke


I’m curious, what was the root cause?


Or too much caffeine in the server hampsters, and cardiac arrest.

For luls, have the corporate coffee machine do ultra strong coffee, then a week later, switch to decaf.

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