managed to log into the forums, last server crash was also xx:15, did you put in a new check that has a chance to crash every 15 min/hour
I was chatting in game for 5 mins about how I couldnt warp - then got a message of a service going offline on the server - then chatted a bit more before i got booted
Getting bored of paying for this low level of server stability tbh
Some miner DDOS’d the server again !
…ice ice baby
Or a day of Omega time or two, which I guess is roughly equivalent.
3 lines of Code, Jr Dev.
This is the second time this happens, the last time you didn’t give compensation, give us at least 50.000 skill points.
great another weekend down you guys need figure this been 2 weekends in row
is this a valid reimbursment request for lost ships?
When I complained about this last week everyone assured me the game hadn’t been down in years and that I was being a baby. My e-mail got a form letter. I just resubbed after years and now twice in 2 weeks. These aren’t the days of “oops the internet is a series of tubes better call Mario teehee”. When a free moba or gacha or just any other game works and yours doesn’t it reminds me why I forgot about this game for years. I’ve had more down time in a week then other paid MMO’s gave me in years.
Come on, you will soon get some more nice ship skins for a reasonable price!
Here we go again.
ahh come on dude are u serious
I had been stuck jumping for about 3 minutes, countdown timer was telling me I was almost out but expired. Finally was disconnected completely, had auth errors trying to come back in, then ended up at a different part of the client. Maybe things are starting to come back? Seems like the issue is moving from what I explained above.
Server is down i was disconnected mid warp
will be dead by abyss cya game
I’m bought 10/10, payd for it 100 mil ISK, lost 1 hour to execute them. And now disconnscted i’m sad
Yes, nothing useful
Disconnected mid mission… at least i can get reimbursment this time if i am dead…