God, that reminds me too much of my rl job, and the dust bears I find on locations…
уже сервер видно но пока стоит запрет на вход
They’re dead, Jim. I mean Captialium.
We found out why the hamsters stopped running the got attacked by a dust cat.
That’s IT talk for: we think we’ve found it, but need to verify we are in fact correct in that assumption.
write a support ticket!
it will start in VIP mode…
what is VIP mode in EVE?
The YouTuber theLexiKitty could probably figure this out quickly
Devs and ISD only
… can we please kick the non english peeps outa here?
… and i mean not the nationality - just be respectfull and write in english
not us obv
do you use a dynamic VPN ?
If you do ever time it changes location it will server bounce you off.
EvE Offline.
Google Translate, anyone?
I came back to Eve for this every weekend?
he let the server in VIP mode for goons can move in secret fleet cap
It happens twice in a row and they should at least reimburse, but havent seen in before in 14 years playing eve.
This is for the people who bent over for the soap in the shower.
Really if we’re going to enforce a language, we should kick out anyone not speaking Icelandic.
janitor rebels