Returing 50.5 Mil Mostly PVP- Mixed science/Manu

Afternoon all.

Looking to get my feet wet again after an absence. Looking for a mix of opportunities, love to help out with corp ops/manu/mining as required or needed.

Aussie TZ but shift worker so have the capacity to be on all sorts of hours depending on the anklebiters and work.

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I’ll send you a mail in game later today.

We are AUTZ almost 100% of members and a mix of 9-5 and shift workers.

We mostly pvp roam, but each of us make our ISK individually and we have a couple of industrialists that concentrate on making ISK for pvp via industry.

Hey friend!

Krypted Gaming is looking for quality, social pilots to join us on our space adventures. We are a community focused on quality over quantity, and look for pilots with great attitudes towards the game and fellow players. We live in the nullsec region of Deklein, and are proud members of SLYCE.

We aim to be,

  • Tight Knit (~30-40 actual humans)
  • Highly active (87.5% of our members are online daily)
  • Top Contributors in PvP & Industry (top 3 for monthly alliance fleet participation)
  • Knowledgable & Approachable (tons of guides on our website)

Whether you are a new player or veteran, we are looking for team players who want to contribute to a community. All of our members are active, decent human beings (except our corporate Grandpa, Helltrek) with lives outside of the game. Given that, we also have plenty of memes!

Come chat with us in our Discord!

Active PVP Corp, lots of fleets, good home space and active comms o/ come have a chat and we’ll answer questions you have rather than drum a generic sales speech at you ~

Hello @Reese_Erchault ,

Come check us out, we are a WH Training Corp/Alliance. We believe in the pilots we serve, it’s in our namesake afterall… Dependent On Pilots .

Join our In Game Alliance Chat Channel: The Doppler Effect Pub Crawl
or Public Discord Channel: WHSOC

[DOPLR] Become A Wormhole Savage: C2 Corp Recruiting - Join Dependent On Pilots Today!

Hope to see ya in space,
A :mage: of EVE content

RL comes first for FUCSS

Well we’re AU tz and on and active at all timezones for your random times, check us out:

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