Returning 55M SP player looking for new home

Hey mac, Im not going to spam your post with all these very nice looking copy and pastes though the artwork does make me a little jelly i cant ‘shop’ :stuck_out_tongue:

We live in Syndicate, a nice and easy region to come and go from, its nullsec but instead of running anoms people tend to run missions, and we are a lookinng for people to come join us;- bit more laid back here, no need for sov stuff so less cta’s… far far less but being on the fringes of lowsec does tend to have its advantages if you like pvp :wink:

We are looking to build up a wh diving crew, this is in part due to laziness and current trend of evictions because citadels drop all the loots (in wormholes); of course we are a relatively new corp and maybe in the future we would have that option.

We are looking for members to bolster our small gang and strategic capabilities for the most part.
this is our forum ‘advert’

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