Returning corp looking for active players to join us in nullsec

REcuitment Status - Selective at this Time

Knights of the Dark Rose™ is recruiting! We are looking to add both combat and industrial focused pilots to come be a part of the foundation being laid down. Knights of the Dark Rose™ is an active PvP oriented corp residing in Vale of The Silent as part of the great Fraternity Alliance.

What we can offer:
US-EN/CN speaking
PVP & PVE combat content
Specialization in Black Ops
Relaxed atmosphere with a RL comes first mentality
Experienced leadership & FCs
Industrial and moon mining operations w/buyback program
Jump freighter services
Newbro training
Capital warfare
Nullsec isk making

3m+ skill points preferred
Omega is a must
Must use Discord and Mumble for comms
Dread Alts Prefered

In game recruitment: KOTDR NEW HOPE

For Knights of the Dark Rose Operations/DAY TO DAY MSG Desert Dogma/Blueray5656 Knights of the Dark Rose | Corporation | zKillboard

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