Knights of The Dark Rose™️ is recruting experienced PvP/Indy Pilots for Null Life!

Knights of the Dark Rose™️ is recruiting! We are looking to add both combat and industrial focused pilots to come be a part of the foundation being laid down. Knights of the Dark Rose™ is an active PvP oriented corp residing in Vale of The Silent as part of the great :panda_face: Fraternity Alliance.

What we can offer:
:us: US-EN speaking
:skull_and_crossbones: PVP & PVE combat content
:cat:‍:bust_in_silhouette: Specialization in Black Ops
:family: Relaxed atmosphere with a RL comes first mentality
:100: Experienced leadership & FCs
:man_factory_worker: Industrial and moon mining operations w/buyback program
:truck: Jump freighter services
:green_book: Newbro training
:flying_saucer: Ship replacement program
:money_with_wings: Thriving Null Sec Market

3m+ skill points preferred
Omega is a must
Must use Discord and Mumble for comms

In game recruitment: KotDR RAD
Or message Lynusvan Pelt [discord:Tedruxpin#2305] or Lordsory Ownage [discord:Top#4970] in the game [discord] if you have any questions.

Join Discord :Purgatory Gaming Community
Zkillboard: Knights of the Dark Rose | Corporation | zKillboard

Looking for more combat pilot’s come be apart of the team

I am just returning to the game. I’d love to learn more! Joining your discord now.

I emailed you in game. Lets talk :slight_smile:

Still looking for more Pilots that love to pvp.

indy peeps welcome to apply

still taking in recruits

I am going to send you a mail in game. I am very interested. Just started this new toon, and looking to fly in Null asap.

Great talking to you all! I look forward to flying with you all.

indy pilots feel free to join the team

More the merrier.



/bump in need of more miner’s





bump still looking for more to join the community

